Friday, November 21, 2003

Mozart's Coffee 

Man.. what a nice place :) Mozart's Coffee. Nice site btw.. nice flash presentation on there.
Right on Lake Austin off downtown, beautiful decks.. the brownies smell wonderful, though I can't have one (dammit).
Free Wireless too hehe. Woot!
Some cute asian boiz :P
It's a freaking nice day here too. I could get used to this :)

The little fucker 

From the Onion (This is hilarious )

22-Year-Old Fuck Complains Of Age Discrimination
SAN MIGUEL, CA—Passed over for a promotion at Barton Financial Services, little 22-year-old fuck Darren Meeker filed a lawsuit against the company Monday, claiming to be a victim of age discrimination. "Just because someone has 20 years of experience, that doesn't automatically make him more qualified than my client," said attorney Martin Lippman, who represents the whiny shit. "In his first seven months on the job, Mr. Meeker has more than proven his potential." The little prick was unavailable for comment.

Thursday, November 20, 2003


Back in the coffee shop. It's a love/hate relationship.
I LOVE the coffee! Plus its like a candy store in here.. lots of odd rare foriegn and domestic candies. I'm looking at a box of Thin Ribbon Candy right now.
OMG! That's so Grandma!

The wireless connection is very whacked though. Working at the moment... posting a lot to save hehe.
/crosses fingers.

Little City has been fun too and the internet connection is MUCH more stable. But its a long drive and hardly worth it just for that. Unless its a Friday or Saturday and I can go hit the gay bars afterwards for happy hour (and dick dancers woo woo! :).


Hrm.. still getting a handle on Blogging. Looking at Livejournal, a lot of my Everquest friends use that. This isn't archiving correctly and though I'm sure its MY fault......

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I can barely speak English 

Some of my favorite music is foreign. I can't understand a word they're saying but I don't really care.. you can feel the passion (real or imagined). I wonder about the subject matter sometimes though..
This pretty much started for me with the first David Byrne Brazilian compilation. I was in the throes of my divorce and any Love Songs just generally annoyed me.. or made me sad. Or outright pissed me off. So, this cassette (I'd copied a friend's cd. I think I'll have to go ahead and buy this though because I miss it and I don't listen to cassettes anymore.) was just great fun to listen to in my truck. The music was very off-kilter, not necessarily traditional Brazilian. Filtered through David Byrne's personal tastes I guess.
There was another cassette from the same period of my life, borrowed from the same person. I have *no* idea what it was though.. a compilation of some specific form of Brazilian. Working Man's music I was told.. if I knew the genre maybe I could find it again. It was also great fun. Not near as polished, seemed very sincere. Recognizing sincerity in a language I don't know........
I own the third Byrne compilation, "Forro", which is really good too. More Party music then the other really.
Though, again, I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

More recently I've fallen deeply in love with Mano Chao's music. He's French, though born in Spain, but with a total fascination with Latin and Caribbean music. It's a big fun mess. He sings in at least 3 languages, including the occasional English. He's got a great voice and just a really interesting way of arranging his music. I have 3 of his cd's. "Proxima Estación: Esperanza" and "Clandestino" are virtually the same album.. not exactly remixes of the same songs, but it almost feels like it. It's like he arrived full blown with a solid musical vision completely formed.. which I imagine could get tiresome if he does it again.
Which he did.. his new Live album (Radio Bemba Sound System) is, like most live albums, a rehash of material. A totally Manic rehash.. he tears through the songs at breakneck pace. At the moment I don't really care for it.. its not at all the somewhat Tropical relaxed feel of the other cd's. But OMG, I notice just now that he's got a live DVD from the Paris show this cd was recorded at. To the Wish List, Batman!
He was originally in a French band called Mano Negro with his brother. I have one of their cd's but it's a totally different feel also. More rock oriented I suppose.
I have no idea what any of the songs are about.

There's also Cafe Tacuba. A Mexican band. A kind of Mexican Talking Heads. A HUGE variety of styles. Their cd "Re" is all over the map and a lot of fun. I first saw them on Sessions on West 54th (boy, I miss that show) and was totally blown away. I have their new cd "Cuatro Caminos", but I haven't listened to all of it yet, so no real opinion. says they're moving towards a more Steely Dan type of sound.... not seeing that just yet so far lol.

I realize there's a whole world (literally) of music out there that I won't understand. It's not just the incomprehensibility of it that attracts me... :)
Traditional Chinese music frightens me.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Fansy The Famous Bard 

This is my all-time favorite Everquest humor, uh, thingee.

Fansy, the Famous Bard

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Google Deskbar 

I'm a utility nut.. I've been digging on the new Google Deskbar. Not the Toolbar that fits into IE, but a deskbar that sits in your tray, ever ready for a search whether you have a browser up or not. Enter a search criteria in the little box and a small browser opens up in the corner of the screen. The mini-browser has forward and back buttons plus a button that opens up the current page in a full fledged browser window.
Terribly convenient... I've been wanting something like this for a long time.

Friday, November 07, 2003


I'm at Little City today. A coffee shop in downtown Austin, TX. Very, very nice. Cute boys here :)
Anyway.. reading this Confession Site called Group Hug.

Pretty interesting sort of social experiment. You can confess, completely anonymously, anything.
It's good for the soul I suppose. :)

My favorite (so far):
"One time when me and my friends were smoking a blunt it fell into the trash can I had just masturbated into. When I picked it out it had semen all over it. We continued to pass it around and I didn't say anything. Nobody noticed."

I'd copy and paste some more but then I'd feel guilty and have to confess.

After about 12 pages.. this is kinda depressing. Some of this is funny, but quite a bit is truly horrifying. I think I'll do something else.

Thursday, November 06, 2003


Back at Trianon's.
Today's coffee is Guatemalan :) Not bad.
Hit a milestone on my diet today. I've now dropped 40 pounds since July 5, 2003. So here's my little statbar thingie that all you Atkins freaks will understand:
original weight / current weight / goal weight

I'm pretty happy about it :) That works out to around 3 pounds per week. I can live with that. I can live with less actually, I'm just happy to be losing weight.

I'm on the South Beach Diet. Read that as: I read the South Beach book. What I'm actually doing is kind of a SouthBeach/Atkins mutation. I was very strict on myself the first 2 weeks (induction period) and dropped 20 pounds right off. Of course, I'm fairly grossly overweight, so they tend to fall off pretty easily early on. Anyway, since then, I've just been avoided the evil stuff (pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, sugar) and eating the low-glycemic foods. It's basically Atkins with a salad. I dropped 45 or so on Atkins a couple years ago, but put it all back on plus. But Atkins was just too boring..

Here's what's worked for me (so far):
2 hard boiled eggs every morning. This never occured to me on Atkins, I was eating off the breakfast truck at work. I don't mind this at all so far.
Pistachios. I adore pistachios and they're really the only snack-like treat that doesn't seem to stall me.
Peanut Butter. When I'm really going insane, a spoonful of Peanut Butter does wonders.
Blue Bunny Yogurt. Man, you'd think yogurt, since it's perceived as such a diet food would be sugar free. But NO. Blue Bunny is the only kind I've found with no sugar. Plus, no aspartame... uses Splenda. So, I like this. 14 gms of carbs.
Meat. Duh. I don't eat tons of bacon, my mind just can't get around that. And on South Beach you're supposed to avoid the really fatty meat that Atkins encourages. But I pretty much give myself free rein on meat.
Bagged salads. God bless 'em. I also have a salad shaker doo-dad that is just great. I can stuff it with salad stuff, generally with those Tyson chicken chunks, onion, cucumber and bagged spinach and romaine. Then you pour the dressing into the cap and it holds the dressing till you squeeze it out before you eat. If that makes sense. It's a cool cheap gadget that made lunch at work a bit easier.

Anyway, I have a long way to go and I realize that as I get closer to 200lbs and under I may need to get more strict. Weekends are hard because I don't really wanna cook then. But when I've cheated on a weekend, it hasn't really done that much damage. That really helps me maintain and I feel like I can stick with this long term.

Btw: Exercise. I should do more.. I don't really exercise. More on that another time.

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