Thank you for clicking on my web site. I am sorry that it is not finished yet, but I hope you enjoy the pictures I have posted. When the site is up and running you will want to come back again and again. Just you wait and see. I promise!
My stats
Gender... Female
Hair... Red
Eyes... Brown
Height... 6'1"
Weight... 210 pounds
Favorite Scent... Calvin Klein Contradiction
Favorite Color... Red
Favorite Food... Lasagna
Marital Status... Single
Born... November 8, 1956
Place of Birth... San Diego, California
Residence... San Diego, California
Education... Bachelor of Arts, San Deigo State University
Graduated... 1981
Profession... Graphic Design / Web Page Design
If you would like to contact me, my email address is I would be glad to answer any questions you might have about me, or transgendered people. I am a preoperative male-to-female transsexual who is scheduled for surgery in late 2001, in Montreal, Canada.

Confused about your gender? This site offers a wealth of information... You are welcome to visit it. It is the site of Neutral Corner, San Diego's gender support group.