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Queer Spirit Meditation Group

Stress? Life issues? Health concerns? A deeper spiritual quest?

Learn how to use Applied Meditation to unleash the power of your inner consciousness. Will Roscoe, acclaimed author in queer spirituality, is facilitating a weekly meditation group in San Francisco for gay/queer men. Based on proven methods of relaxation, guided visualization, symbol-making, and affirmations, Applied Meditation provides a way to connect to the deepest level of your awareness and use its transformative powers to make changes in your life and explore the meaning of gay spirituality.

The group meets Wednesday at 7 p.m. in San Francisco's south of Market area. Limited space is still available. For information, e-mail" and follow the "Applied Meditation Link" below.





For many years I've been on an quest for the answers to three questions central to the meaning of being queer.

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

What are we for?


My answers to these questions are in the books and articles I have written, as well as the many slide-lectures I've given around the country. I hope to use this website as well to share what I've learned on this odyssey.


Here you'll find information about my publications, along with excerpts of work-in-progress. There's background on the Native American two-spirit tradition, the primary subject of my research, and its parallels around the world, along with samplings of my work on queer mythology, culture, and history.


FLASH! FLASH!....Click on the Jesus Bowl/Gospel of Judas link below for a commentary on an exciting new archeological discovery that lends new credence to the work of Morton Smith and to my book Jesus and the Shamanic Tradition of Same-Sex Love. I consider this one of the most exciting findings for the history of queer spirituality in a generation....


I will be updating this site on a regular basis, so visit me often! You can leave comments in my guest book or e-mail me. Feel free to link my site to yours and tell me about any sites I can link to�but please don't "mirror" or reproduce my pages on your site without permission.


In queer spirits,

March 2009


MORE NEWS!! Don't miss this underground classic Drop...Dead: The DJ Murders. Search for it on-line!






"Tonne Serah will flip your triggers on a bumpy ride of campy and dirty fun trolling through the club scenes and the pits of politics in search of answers and better living through chemistry."
Sister Kitty Catalyst OCP, �ber-nun and homo-propagandist, co-founder of the SF Queer Klub and Party Outreach Project


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