This is a situation that some of us face. For the vast majority of those in the organization it is not an issue. Those who conform their lives to god's ways tend to be a heterosexual bunch. Only those born in the truth or those whose parents were baptized really have to face this issue. A person who enjoyed the way of life associated with the witness work suddenly is attracted to individuals of the same sex as he or she matures during puberty. Who can this one discuss these feelings with? There is a fear of losing close friends or even worse- the fear of bringing reproach on god's nane and the organization using it: Jehovah's Witnesses. In the end the results of these feelings seem to fall into four categories.
1. Suppress the homosexual feelings and try to eliminate them.
2. Live a double life and follow the rules at the Kingdom Hall and in field service but give in to some or all desires when not around other fellow believers.
3. Abandon the organization and lead the life of an unbeliever.
4. Find a special friend or friends to share your life and experiences together.
I will discuss each topic in further detail later.
Until now, how can those with homosexual feelings get support? You could ask parents, friends or elders and you may get very good advice. However you may also be ostracized by persons who will speak from ignorance, disgust or anger. This could be spiritually devastating. It could also result in being "marked" by some in the congregation who will keep a close eye out for any mistakes made and could hinder the assignment of "priveleges" in the congregation. It is no wonder that many of us prefer to remain anonymous and keep our secrets. Is it not terrible that even those of us who have never had sex are treated the same as former child molesters or practicing homosexuals! This is why I have started this site to provide like minded individuals an anonymous group for support. No more do you have to deal with disfellowshipped or apostate individuals and hope for an unbiased opinion. Also your conscience may not want you to communicate with such ones. Those new to the organization or weak in bible truths may be suceptible to bad advice and end up in serious sin. Even if you are spiritually mature, you may prefer my viewpionts. So lets get started..................
I was born and raised in the truth. At the age of 16 I was baptized. As of now I am nearly three decades old. I do not read or view pornographic material- in fact I have never seen a pornographic movie!!!! And to top it off I have not sucessfully masturbated at all any day of my life! Also I was never sexually abused in any way. Until recently I did not even know any gay men. I am not feminine in any way. So why do I have these feelings? I have a theory.
Homosexuality is not as simple as it seems. For the simple view you can look it up in the Society's index and refer to the appropriate publications. There are many excellent experiences to encourage you. Yet there are things that seem to be constant. Those who give up the homosexual life come from the world into the organization. I know of no one who leaves the truth for homosexuality who returns unless that one is ready to die. Believe it or not many so called homosexuals are really bisexual! You would be surprised to learn that most homosexuals have had feelings for women at one time or another. The true homosexual is very rare indeed. Many homosexuals could change if they really wanted to. For the others there is no choice.If anyone doubts the genetic component consider that hermaphrodites ( persons with both sexual parts ) do exist!
Common sense would tell you that there is a genetic side to homosexuality. Why would anyone give up the chance to be an accepted member of society to be an outcast just to have unnatural, often disgusting sex with others of the sane sex? The behavior is learned but the desire is intrinsic. Where does it come from? No one really knows. In my case it seems to be a dislike of female qualities. Personally I am attracted to the shape and look of certain men as well as their likes and interests. I do not like the male sex organ or the sexual methods of many gay men. For me, a female bodybuilder who looks like a man gets equal excitement as an equivalent man. How strange? The men that would attract me are not common in my area so I have little trouble avoiding sex. For many homosexuals who have enjoyed sex it is not so easy. They seem to get used to the unpleasant sex acts as well as enjoy the methods that they personally like. Why does this happen? who knows?
After many years in the organization I have seen how things are organized and the problems that can arise in the congregation. This is expected since humans are doing the work. For that reason I have never told anyone in the organization about my feelings. I feel that as long as I am not sinning in this matter and do not feel tempted in the congregation, the elders and those in the congregation need not know. Sometimes it is important for me to have someone to talk to but I just pray about it. I know that if anyone knows about me it will be the news of the congregation. It is surprising how much the elders tell there wives sometimes. For those times when a person feels lonely or depressed it can be reassuring to discuss matters with someone experienced yet anonymous. I want to be that person.
There are chat programs such asICQ or PIRCH that can be used for on-line conversations worldwide. If you wish to contact me you can send me e-mail at my address: Please feel free to contact me anytime and I will respond as soon as possible. HINT: use an anonymous e-mail address so you can feel safe if you need to.
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Last Updated september 1,1998 by Roger Richards The old Guestbook
Hello brave soul, thank you for reading my page. How about leaving a message before the end of this year! I want to change this page to make it better. Why not make a suggestion or two so that i know exactly what is needed. Remember, the Organization is run by heterosexual older men who give us little or no attention. All we have to help us is caring friends and the internet. This is the only website written and maintained by a homosexual celibate brother to allow free expression and discussion of our unique situation. I am here for you!