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Lets see....I was born in November, 1968. I am about 5'10", and about 160-170pounds. I have a medium build. I like to dance, and do things outside. I like to fish...A Lot.

Just to go fishing and not catch anything is a good day for me...just to relax. I like to hike, being raised in the hills of West Virginia, I have learned how to do that.

Yes, still have the military haircut. I do it myself...also blonde it out from time to time. Whenever I have a wild hair up my butt.

I was born in Michigan, but at the age of two my mother, sister and I left my father and moved back to my mother's hometown in West Virginia. I graduated high school there, in Princeton. After high school, I went to a Christian college in Kentucky...Kentucky Christian College. There I had my first gay sexual experience. Also met some wonderful friends there that helped me break out of my shy shell. Those two friends were Angie and Trina. We always got in trouble by either the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women for not completely understanding even misinterpreting the rules. During the Summer Break, Angie and myself received letters from the college stating to sit out a year.

In October of 89, I decided to join the military, for two reasons. One, my late grandfather wanted me to go. Two, there were no jobs in Princeton, unless you wanted to work in a factory or the coal mines the rest of your life. So I joined and went to basic training at Fort Knox. Some of you ask me sexual questions about basic training but as I look back I do not remember any one person's dick, although thinking of it now wish I could. During basic, we did the buddy system. When it came time to shower, there were twenty of us in the shower and there were only three shower heads. So what we did was....I'd get wet, then step out and lather up while the other guy was getting wet, then we would reverse.

After, basic training, I had Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Lee, Va. Again, another 8 weeks, but the Drill Sergeants were not so bad at AIT. I enjoyed the time there.

US Army Special Operations Command

The above link will take you to my old unit's WebPage

After the 6 or 7th week, we got our assignment for permanent party. This is where I learned that I would be going to Savannah, Ga to be in the 3/160th SOAR (A), a special operations unit. This is where I met my first love. He was a sergeant (SGT) and I was a private (PVT). He was a big muscular (6ft ?) black man named Greg. We became good friends. He took me to my first gay bar in Savannah, ....Club 1 Jefferson.  Anyway for awhile Greg and I were merely 'fuck buddies'. Then our unit went to Saudi Arabia. I was the next to go, but did not for 6 months. When I got there I met up with Greg and others. It was scary over there, but we managed. When we got back, Greg and I decided to be exclusive to each other....this lasted 3.5 yrs.

Since the military, I have been in Chicago, Charlotte, Virgina, and now Alabama.

Now on to the good stuff.

The following link will take you to some pictures of guys that I like.



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