Flyboy and John

Welcome to our page. Hope you enjoy!!!

Where has the time gone? It's really hard to believe that we are starting 2009, when it feels like we're still back in the year 2000!

Guess since the last update a few years ago, Cody the dog has been enjoying free reign in the backyard. He's got a pretty good size fenced in yard to run around and keep an eye on all the Squirrels and Chipmunks in the yard. He'll often sit on a bed inside and keep an eye on them during the spring and summer.

Well, that's it for now, not much else to update around the site. Do feel free to look around.

To Flyboy's page.

To the Web Rings page.
Check out a friends Drum Corps Page
Check out the planes that Flyboy fly's on
Check out the links of our Favorite sites on the web.
Check out the 79th Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival in Winchester, VA
Constructed by © on March 26 1998. Updated December 30, 2008.


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