Shrinking Rainbow
Hi I'm Matt, my GeoCities name is londonmatt.
Shrinking Rainbow

I signed up on 09/16/98 11:11:34, and have only just moved in.

I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with this page yet. However, I am thinking about it and hopefully you'll see the results fairly soon.

This link will take you to a page linking you to the web pages of some clubs I like in London.


Otherwise, here's a photo I took on holiday while in France this summer. I was really impressed with it. It's about an hour after dawn and the camera was just a Kodak disposable...

Click to a less compressed version. Approx. 177k

Email me at in the meantime. Alternatively leave an entry in my Guestbook. Take a look at other people who've been here, View Guestbook.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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