Welcome to my world!

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My nickname on the web is ssuitmeup. You'll understand better if you read on...
I go by Brad in person. I'm fairly new here, I'm in my early 30s, I love gear pics and I would like to experience more of what I've seen with others.

I set up this site to talk with others who may have some similar interests as myself.
The above center pic is of me in a hooded red viking commercial drysuit that someone was kind enought to ssuitmeup in during a weekend in July '98 and we didn't have much time but it was GREAT!
All other images around it are also of me in some gear that's mine and some that's not.

I don't have many really good pics yet and am in hopes that I can meet more people who can help me to do something about that. I'm not sure why I like being photographed, besides being able to share my experiences with others through pictures I post here, but I'd love to get suited up in a wide variety of gear, motorcycle/leather, diving/rubber, fire/hazmat, space/flight, ???/other and pic'ed to have some good content for this site (a hot looking guy suiting me up isn't necessary but is a definite plus!).
See below for more specifics about the types of things I had in mind to begin with.

If you're into anything I mention below and want to meet others into the same things I'd be glad to point you to a good contact list for anyone looking to meet others into the same thing, if you'd like. Gear Pics of you are always a welcome sight too! If you have some of yourself you'd like me to post here with a link to your website, or even to your email address if you don't have a site yet, I can do that too!

A little info about me...

The sight of a cool guy in just about any kind of hot gear gets my undivided attention really quick. The thought of being put into gear by someone else, especially gear with helmets, boots and gloves is awesome to me. Seeing speed related sports and semi-extreme sports are also a real turn-on like drag racing(cars and bikes), motorcycle racing, and "land-luge" and seeing those guys being all zipped up in fire suits or leather, well... what can I say. Skydiving, hanggliding/paragliding and similar activities are also intriguing. There's just something about plunging towards the planet at a high rate of speed, or hovering inches off the ground at 70mph in full leathers, or having total control of unpowered flight that looks so totally cool. Fighter jets and their pilots fall into both my speed and flight categories of fascination.
Another activity, the one that has intrigued me the longest in my life is diving gear and the men that get to wear it. Rubber suits, sealed suits and suits with helmets involved in their use are a total turn-on. Any kinds of inflatable gear looks like something I'd definitely like to try also. Just the thought of being totally sealed into a rubber suit with a full helmet, boots and gloves by a hot looking guy just plain turns me on. Leather gear works too ;)
I'm also very interested in the opportunity to get to participate in the gear's true intended purposes once suited up (besides having fun) if it's reasonably feasible, like diving, land-luge, racing, etc...
(I'm a 12+ year licensed motorcyclist.)

My Basic Stats

I'm about 5'8", 36 chest, 30" waist, 145lbs, slim build, dark blonde hair, green eyes if you're curious...

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Let me know what you think so far...

Check out Ssuitmeup's Galleries
For some pics of some of my interests and more...

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Some are finally of me! :)
I added a few from a recent adventure...
They're somewhat slow loading but well worth the wait!

Note: Leathermen look pretty HOT to me also!
I finally found a few good leatherman pics!

And here are a few LINKS I like:
(Many more coming soon!!!)

[ Diving | Bikes/Leathers | Rubber | Extreme Sports | Miscellaneous | Top ]


James Bond's Divers and Dungeons (homepage)
oneill67's homepage
ncapsul8's homepage
Aqualaboy's Hardhat Dive Site
Frogman's homepage
diveswr's homepage
...well suited (homepage)


Motorcycle and other Gear Lover's Contact List
The LEATHER Navigator
Steve & Geoff’s INsite
Motorcycle Fan's Homepage
Jack's Fetish Site


Rubber Lovers Contact List
Rubber Fetish site
WolfHazmat's Website!

Semi-extreme Sports:

You tell me?!?!
Know any good ones?


Gear Party, Formerly Gear EXPO Convention
The Spacesuit & Pressure suit Homepage
The NEW Gear Fetish NETwork
Has lots of gear categories
with pics, links, personals, more...

Hits since 5/10/1998

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