Never did like that advertisment up there that was the first to go!!
**..Welcome..** Come on in I Whan't to say some things... OH YES I HAVE MOVED IN. **YOU BETER BELEVE THAT** THERE'S A NEW GIRL IN TOWN!! GEO CITIES
't think this is my limit on a web site As quick as I find out how Geo Citis main frame works and how to get around them.And what I can do,And what I can't do with the darn thing,Right now it's not leting Me have My own way!!;
This is the name of my web site Dania Fence Walker
If you wan't to welcome me to the hood!! AND I LOVE EMAIL !! Email me at Wow a web site page in 45 min that was fast!! See *You* real soon...(SMILE)
© 1997
You Don't mind do you..Darn silly if you ask me!!
Hi there....I'm
*.*.*.Daina Fence Walker.*.*.*
It's not I know a Looottt more than this
Beleve Me!!!!
I had to take over this peace of junk page program over!!
I didn't whan't to bother with that other peace of junk program just yet!
*You* know the so called Advanced peace of work!!
Avanced to what?
to the stone age?
I have three page makers on my computer
that blow that thing out of the staring gate
And whin I get here I got to use this peace of junk!!
So this will have to do for now!!!
And the web site is geting a revamped real soon
I worked on my pages for three weeks
My pages are done now and there
Im not going to spend to much time on this peace of junk page!!
Iv got other more in portent jova and HTML things to do!!!
Thia ia temperary
Dont get use too this!!
All this is history!!
Boy these fonts stink!!
Darn Ararl fants
Im imbarest to even wright with this junk!!
Heres some thinge to teas you
Im a Bie Genderd From Indiana My leagel papers say "M" sex in gender wise.Boy ho girl, did thay get that one roung!! but my body and sole tells a difrint story!!Im 35 but look 20 maybe 22 (I can't by a beer with out geting carded.even cigarettes the sale clerks are always shooked)my waight is 135 hight 5'7"I have blue eyes,pouty lips with a real nice smile,my face looks more Girl than boy,Iv never had a beard.Iv never have to shave,I have long sandy brown hair with a tuch of body is more Girl than Boy a lot of cerves in the roung place for a boy,I feel more like a male impersnator.than a female one!Is that a kick or what.I do have a bust not too big.No boy chest hear.a girl never tells her bust size.Im Real nice and a real good looker!!Im a prity Boy or girl what ever I go out as at the time.can't help it!It's just who I am . Pritty!Im Blushing right now.sorry I can't tell a lie to save my sole! I can pass bouth ways with out Qs comeing up.Sometimes it's when Im a boy the Qs come up!!some thing like this (Psst hay Did you see that, Was that a boy are a girl?? I love dressing up and going out ethere way!! Its a kick!!!I love all aspecs of being a Boy and a Girl !!But One of these days It has to stop.And Im going all Female.Im temperary out of servis on that part.nothing a little old Doctor can't on do.then beleve it or not,Then Im a vergen agian!;-)smile.Thats some thing you don't hear to much of a two time vergen!!I know It makes me think too!!But thats for a difernt time line.but right now I want to have fun!!And Im a fun People Person!!I feel that the year 2000 is a good date to do that.What a way to enter a new Way of life in a new age!!Don't get me roung! I like my male side But my Female side never got the chance it should have!I feel Im missing out on some thing grand!In my lifes travels!!And since Im a beigendered person I feel I should give bouth sides fare time at Life!.If I do change to All female Im no longer a Beigender.Im just your "Normal" boring Female.But that would be a new begianing in my lifes travels;-)smile.And I just injoy what life has to offer!!Im not looking for romance.I get enuff hear in Indiana.But on the same token if I find some Person on the web? Oh well then I was roung Opps.:-)I Must tell you Im a Girl Lover first and for most!I even like transgenders as good good friends;-)smile I Being with them .going out with them.and dressing up to look like them.(I Do this varey good)But when my live opens up as a true female then my life well I change too bouth Sex genders! I Feel Then then and only the will whant to have a boy in my live.I know it sounds wild!! But then you got to remeber my life was never a "normal" one.Bouth genders,In body,In mind,And sole,rolled up in one package.try that for a year or two,and call me and tell me what it's like?I never thout of it as a berth defect!!It's a real good berth Inhancment.I wish more people where like this,the world would be a better place to live!!;-)smile. But What Im realy looking For is good long friendships with transgenderd and Gay people.;-)smile.I like them beter than Normal people.;-)Normal people bore me silly!!Thay don't understand nothing!About how I feel as a person. Oh thay try but it's over there heads.Or how and what it's like to be difernt than them.Im glad Im not Normal!!Too boreing!!If you ask Me.there missing out on life.I do love the mix of genders in my life,but it's harder now to pas as a boy.And I do love Boy and Girl talk, I can talk about fixing a car, or or makeing nice woodworking things,I biuld Gazebos for a liveing.There a work of Art!I have my own compeny.And the next min,talk about my late's trip going out to the mall.I love shoping!!.and talk about the late's Girl talk.or what happing in My little old world.Or yours !And Im a good lisner!!I do care about people,and what thay have to say!!I make friends fast.And I make friends for life!!I don't just use people and throw Them away.Thats not me!!If you want to Email Me?You wecome to do so .I do retern all Emails!!Pease be nice and sweet !!I don't care to much for trash talk,Im not that type of girl!!That not me ether!!.just a nice sweet Indiana holsom Girl,with good valuse!! I hope you understand!
hobbeys the first, I love computers been doing it all the way back in the late 70s,I can remember Dos 1.3 and no Windows!!Im showing my age there!!and I love being on the web.I just started this year.and I Love having a web site!!!! Im not a sporting kind of girl.But I do love the Out door advengers like camping, I have a 26 foot camper.and I love to travel!Iv been to 31 states and counting,Might have been in your state?I love boating I have three boats ,The biggist is a 30foot boat,that I keep on lake michagen,Ok it's not classafid as a boat.More like a yacht.I travel all parts of lake Michagen whith it.Iv been to all four states.Mite have been in your state??And planing a trip to Canida this year.and I love scoba diving ,Im a sertafide diver and go cold water diving in lake michagen and lakes in my state and in others.I have gone down to more than 240 ft to see a wreck on the botom of lake mich.And been doing that for five years.I have A lot more other things to talk much to put on this peace of junk.Oh the storys I can tell You!!:-)You boys and girls
O.K thats your teas rite now ....Is that a teas or what?
I could go on and on and on...
But Im not going to wase't My good time
And *Your* good time
On this peace junk!! Of a page program!!
So look for the WOW web site
Coming real soon to a hood near *You*
Gerrr...And I don't like not geting
My own way!!Im a bad Bad girl when I don't get my owen way!!
Boy it is a slow computer,The thing is a real Denoo
And Iv got to revap my pages to there system;-( Geerrr
More time lost..
So book mark >NoW< and save time looking later!!*You* don't want to miss
My little old computer world.
*.* Show *.*
Classy don't you think!
1226 Stone Wall Drive
My Little Old Computer World
Please do so!!
I would love to here from *YOU*!!
Tell me about *Your* self
and where your web site is?
I'll come vist you and give *YOU* A nice fEmail back!!
Like I said Im a People Person!!
Or at
if you don't like that one,
and the last one is
I know I know,Why so many Emails?
My *Wow* Web site has Pages with difrent topics
And I didn't want to confuse the Emails
beleve it or not I have two more
But a girls got to keep some secrets
and I have a chat room too
*YOU*can reach me at
Not bad for less than six mounths on the web
In the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me
Id be so so sad if you didn't boo...yoo.....
So Make my day and stop by...some time SOON!!
Or at least Email me please...
Im A Email junky and I need a fix...
I just can't get enuff of it!!
Is there a doctor in the hood???
I will have this all this junk gone in a day or two!!
It all up to what I can get away with that Mane Frame of a Denoo
I hope I don't have to rewrite it all!!
That would not make a happy camper!!
If I do..
I will change to top part of the Web site where the ad was!!
To keep you informed of whats happend
And if I don't
the *WOW* web site will be Hear
in a day or two
And it will be something to coming back Too
agien and agien and agien..........And a...
theres Too many times I'd have to Say that!!
So I will stop a three, my fingers will numb up
I will try to keep you Informed
So thats all I have to say right now
*.*.*loves and Kiss *.*.*
*.*.*.*Daina Fence Walker.*.*.*.*
Id Love to hear from *You*
not bad time!Wish the WoW web site was that fast!!!!
Put a lot of work into that puppy!!
And im Sorry for this junk of a wib site
right now
beleve Me this is not how I wanted to start my web site off!!
I am Imbarist beond belef!!!
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