<BGSOUND SRC="/aplaceinthewoods/DurangoSilverton1.wav">
Ideas are being entertained for a new direction for this website, which is celebrating its 10-year-anniversary!
As in life, this website has taken many directions, even to the point of launching a expansive new website which seems to consume all my time. Originally, A Place In The Woods, was a reflection of the experience of owning a cabin in the woods. Later it came to reflect the joy of traveling the United States with a Silver Streak Luxury Liner, which we still enjoy.
The new focus of this site will be equally appealing!
The wavfile sound you hear was recorded at Durango Colorado this fall (2008)
the photo above was captured at Silverton Colorado- the end of the line.
All text and content on this website is copyrighted and the exclusive property of Aplaceinthewoods, it may not be reproduced in anyway without the expressed permission of the Webmaster.
Copyright 1998-2008
All Rights Reserved
"A Decade of Expression"