Welcome to Traci's Place!

Here you'll find my thoughts and comments.
Enjoy your stay, but if you don't like what I have to say, please just move on.

Traci's Closet - an original piece of prose


Advantages of a Crossdressing Husband
Put your mouse over my picture and see another one.

A little something about Traci.

Please take a look around and come back often.

Today is Tomorrow's Memories - Make Them Good Ones

Click for Colorado Springs, Colorado Forecast

Colorado Springs in the News

8/13/99 - Church attacks Pokemon toys as evil symbol
8/22/99 - Conference in Springs will address gays, religion
8/30/99 - PrideFest celebrates local gay community

In Other News

10/29/98 - 15 year old transgender gets ultimatum...leave school or be expelled.
What are we teaching our children? To conform is better then being true to themselves. It's better to lie than tell the truth. What you wear is more important than getting an education. Forcing people to make inapproriate choices for themselves is what keeps the therapists in business. Click on the link for the AP story.

9/24/99 - Husband And Wife Decide To Change Sex

The Family Research Council motto is Family, Faith & Freedom. Has anyone noticed that there motto is made of three words all starting with the letter 'F'. Did anyone also note that 'F' is the 6th letter of the alphabet? Perhaps this is why they have so much hate standing behind these three words which by themselves can be good. There is even a special page dedicated to 'Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Transsexuality'.

Another lovely site brought to you by the Westboro Baptist Church is God Hates Fags. Matthew 22:39 say "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." It says this is the second greatest and foremost commandment after loving the Lord. Obviously the people of this Church don't like themselves very much. It's also interesting how they so often quote the Old Testament. They even have the nerve to say "the Bible preaches hate". Perhaps they haven't spent enough time in the New Testament. The New Testament says to "love your enemies" (Matthew 5:44). Perhaps they need to spend more time learning to love than justifying their hate of others.

The International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)

Transgender Forum

Southern Colorado IntraRegional Transgendered Society (SCIRTS)

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