George U. Rother
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I'm a retired profeesional with a part time accounting practice in my home. I'm single, gay, and live alone. I'm 5'8", 155#, 33" waist - in good shape and healthy. Born and raised in Germany, was married and have three great sons in California. They and my x-wife, we are all friends. I enjoy people, good friends. My motto: Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a mystery, be grateful for today - make the most of it.
I enjoy my home and garden, snow skiing, sailing, bowling, cooking for friends, quite evenings at home with someone special or a good book, travel and quiet walks on the beach or in the forest. Music is important in my life, from classical, opera to popular (old and new), dance and new age.  I am a very romantic, affectionate, honest and deticated guy. If you like what you see and want to get acquainted, e-mail me.