(This site is best viewed with Netscape 3.0 or better.)
to the Sunny Shores of North Carolina,and
our home on the web. Now that your here
relax, have a look around and enjoy your visit.
We want to Thank You for coming and visiting us,
and touring our home.If you have any comments,helpful
hints,or would just like to say "HI" to a couple of
new guys on the block.
- All thoughts are welcomed -
N.C. State Flower
Here's a few rooms we have open; plus one or two we're
working on.There will be more to come as we grow. :c)
Thanks again !
And I hope that sometime when your out surf'n around
the net for something to do that you'll track your
way back and check out my ever changing site.
This site owned and maintained by The Gatemaster-N.C.
I'm a "LEO" King of the Cat's,King of the Land,
and -
King of the STAR'S.
The border set on this page is by
*Please; excuse the mess as I continue building
my site.*