THE SITE: this site is for all those guys out there who are turned on by masculine, well-built athletic feet/legs being shown off in soccer/baseball, boot and OTC dress/sheer socks. All the pix are of my socked feet (except for the bondage pix), and they represent a small part of my sock collection. I choose not to post face or full body pix since my pix have been plagiarized and abused in the past.
ME: I am a GWM, 36, 6", 200, solid muscular build, clean cut and shaven, size 10.5 feet, large calves and big thighs, naturally masculine and unaffected, live in San Francisco. I have had a socks fetish as long as I can remember (if it feels good, embrace it! -- just remember there is so much more to sex, people and life) and I am totally turned on by hot guys showing off their socks as well as by eager guys who dig burying their faces in a stud's hunky feet, giving themselves over to their foot/socks/boots fantasies, and showing how good they are at servicing a demanding man. My favorite socks are white gym, thick boot, long soccer/baseball, and dark OTC dress.
HMMMM.....: what am I looking for? Nothing specific at this time. Happily single, but open to persuasion (it has to be an awfully convincing offer!). As I get older my range of physical types expands and my taste in men continues to take on different inflections. As far as the physical stuff is concerned (let's get the cattle call out of the way), I tend to be attracted to men around 26-40, white or Latin, in the 5'8" - 6'1" range, in good shape (being athletic usually means more than going to the gym!), and either clean cut/shaven or goateed. Much more important though, is intelligence, character and personality, even when it comes to just "playing". I cannot overestimate the value of honesty, respect and consideration in my book, and I am much more concerned about the size of a man's heart than his endowment (as long as it is somewhere between enough to grab onto and not so much that you can't do anything with it, things should be just fine!). An open, playful, imaginative attititude towards sex, erotica and kink are all major bonuses -- Pup has been know to get downright nasty, and loves to do so!! On a more personal level, volunteering time for a worthy cause increases my attraction and regard to a guy BIG TIME!
THE NOTS: I am not into the following:
THE PIX: The majority of the pix were taken with a digital camera, but the earlier ones are for the most part of poorer quality. If you decide to download any of them, please have the decency not to pass them off as your own or post them anywhere else. ALL PIX ARE COPYRIGHT AND CONSIDERED THE WEB SITE OWNER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.Phone sex Cyber sex Virtual relationships Trading X-photos Never have, and never will, show or post someone's private pix -- I would hope others would have the same courtesy! Trading Net socks/feet pix -- they are all over the place ready to be found! Trading sox with guys I haven't met Kissing and telling about my experiences Guys who describe them selves as "straight acting". What does that even mean? And in this climate of politically expedient homophobia and acts of savage violence, how can any self-respecting gay man use that phrase anyway? Republicans (see above item) Guys who can't communicate what they do and/or do not want. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Unsafe Sex Heavy drug use Married men
So, enjoy the pix and feel free to tell me what you think of the them!!. I can be found on AOL occasionally at
The Soccer Socks
Lazio Team
Lazio Team - croutching
Lazio Team - bottoms up
Spain National Team
Spain National Team - up close
Venice Regional Team
Venice Regional Team - stretching
Umbro Green Select
Umbro Green Select - over the knee
Umbro Green Collegiate - croutching
Umbro Green Collegiate in your face!
Umbro Black Collegiate - sitting
Umbro Black Collegiate - stomp'n
Umbro White Primero - upright
Umbro White Primero - croutching, socks down
White w/blue Adidas Copa - long
White w/blue Adidas Copa - down
Green w/white Adidas Copa
Green w/white Adidas Copa, different view
Blue w/logo Nike Global - with shoes
Blue w/logo Nike Global - stretched out
Blue w/logo Nike Global - down
Orange w/logo Nike Global - 1
Orange w/logo Nike Global - closer
Twincities red - over the knees
Twincities red - kicked up
Twincities red and white - over the knees
Twincities red and white - up
Twincities red and white - down
My favorite two pairs of soccer socks
Four soccer socks -- another view
Navy blue Umbros -- front and center
Navy blue Umbros -- down
White with blue Adidas Lisbon spread out
Adidas Lisbon long
Adidas Lisbon -- up and down
Red Adidas Copa -- smell 'it!
Red Adidas Copa pair
Twincities black soccer
Nike Blue and Red Hoops with soccer sandals
Nike Blue and Red Hoops down
Gold Adidas Copa
Gold Adidas Copa - side
Gold Adidas Copa - one off
Umbro Team Amsterdam
Team Amsterdam - 2
Team Amsterdam - 3
White w/black Umbro with Nike ACGs
White w/green Umbro Primeros with cleets
White w/green Umbro Primeros -- with bonus
White w/green Umbro Primeroswith cleets
White w/green Umbro Primeroswith cleets
White w/green Umbro Primeros -- cleets spread
The Baseball Socks
Blue sanitaries with baseball pants
Blue sanitaries -- down
Baseball sanitaries and cleets
Baseball sanitaries and cleets - 2
Baseball sanitaries and cleets - 3
Wigwam tubes after softball games
White cleets in action
Black cleets in action
Cleets with baseball pants
All of the pants
Cleets with Wigwams out
Wigwams with cleets off
Just the Wigwams
Cleets with sanitaires coming out
Cleets and socks off
Sanitaries coming off
The Thorlo Series
Thorlo Sanitaries with baseball pants
Sanitaries worn OTC with cleets
Sanitaries with cleets
Sanitaries with cleets off
Sanitaries - just
Sanitaries up close
Sanitaries up close, another view
Thorlo Universals
Universals - just
Universals - up close
The European Sheer Socks
Italian burgundy sheers
Italian burgundy sheers - jeans down
Italian burgundy sheers - boxers
Italian burgundy sheers - just
Italian burgundy sheers - taste 'em!!
Italian brown ribbed sheers - loafers
Italian brown ribbed sheers - pants up
Italian brown ribbed sheers - boxers
Italian brown sheers - legs up
Italian brown sheers - pants
Italian brown sheers - just
Italian brown sheers - close up
Black Spanish sheers in loafers
Spanish sheers -- one loafer off
Spanish sheers -- can you taste it?
Spanish sheers -- in full length
Spanish sheers -- where did the slacks go?
Spanish sheers -- just hanging there
Navy blue Italian sheers
Navy blue -- showing TNT
Two pairs of Navy blue Italian sheers
Another pair of Navy blue Italian sheers at my feet
The OTC Dress Socks
Calvin Klein ribbed blue - long view
Calvin Klein ribbed blue -up close
Polo blue patterned with slacks
Polo blue patterned sitting
Polo blue patterned standing
Gold Toe ribbed black nylon
Gold Toe ribbed black cotton
Cole Hann Olive OTC - coming off
Armani black - one half off
Armani burgundy
Calvin Klein light green patterned with Cole Haan Shoes
Calvin Klein light green patterned - one half off
Polo blue patterned with red
The Socks and Bondage Series
Collared, hooded, with Ajax socks
Collared, hooded, with Ajax socks - 2
Collared, team Lazio socks, gagged
Collared, team Lazio socks, gagged - 2
Collared, team National Spain socks dangling
Collared, team National Spain socks w/Umbro Collegiate stuffed
Collared, team National Spain socks w/Umbro Collegiate stuffed more
Collared, team National Spain socks as blindfold and gag
Collared, team National Spain socks as blindfold and gag - another view
Collared, team National Spain socks -- sucking on Lazio team sock
Venice team socked feet chair tied
Blindfolded with Gold Toe ball gag - front
Blindfolded with Gold Toe ball gag - side view
Gas mask with burgundy OTC gag
Gas mask with rugby sock gag
Gas mask with gold Adidas Copa gag
Thick leather gag with white soccer sock blindfold
Thick leather gag with red soccer sock blindfold
Hands and OTC blue socked feet tied - close up
Hands and OTC blue socked feet tied -- face down fetal
Hands and OTC blue socked feet tied -- face down fetal, long view
White Umbro soccer on black lycra hood
Sucking through black lycra hood
Two feet at once through hood
Wigwams tubes as blindfold suck scene
Wigwams tubes and full length sock thrust
Well worn baseball socks as gag
A true sock slave totally covered
The Boot Socks
Olive army issue socks - with Red Wing boots
Olive army issue socks
English motorcycle boot socks - with Red Wing boots
English motorcycle boot socks
Green striped Wigwam wool boot socks
EG Smith silver boot slouch
EG Smith grey boot slouch
EG Smith red boot slouch with Timberland construction boots
EG Smith red boot slouch with Timberland construction boots - one off
EG Smith red boot slouch
Timberland Construction with EG Smith boot socks
Timberland Construction with thick grey boot socks
Red Wing black boots with Dutch military socks
White tubes, rugby, bicycle socks, bare feet
Champion white tube socks
Champion white tube socks - 2
Black w/gold rugby socks
White bicycle socks
White bicycle socks - up close
Bare feet - from the top
Bare feet - the other view
Male Sock
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