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This site exists to express my desire as a gay man to smoke a pipe
and my attraction to other men who smoke pipes and cigars,
and their associated involvment in Pipe & Cigar Sex.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, I'd be pleased if you'd e-mail me at:
Men I'm attracted to include those who would describe themselves as Master,
Sir, Bearded Bears, Chubs, Daddies, Leather Men, Truckers, Cops.
Just as long as they are smoking thier Pipe or Cigar.

S M O K I N G . L I N K S
Pipe Cub's Pipesex Message Board
Cigar Smoke UK's Cigarsex Message Board
The Pipe and Cigar Story Fetish Archive
Pipe Vids on YouTube from PIPEBEARS
International Pipe Bears
Bears & Pipes Page
Gay Men's Pipe Lounge @ Yahoo

View Daddies Smoking Pipes & Cigars at 'Daddy Swap'

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