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Lightening rod's Modern Day Polygamy:

Qualifications and Benefits

It takes a dominant male to be polygamous
but it takes a gentle man to remain in love

Do Polygamists challenge monogamous lifestyle? Yes!

Our polygamy site leans towards polygyny, because that is what we are.

  1. You must love women to be a polygamist? True in polygyny
  2. You must havechildren(Men only)? True
  3. All children must have an inheritance? True
  4. Everyone must live in same house? False
  5. The best polygamist is a Christian polygamist? True
  6. Must be polyamorous? True, there needs to be unconditional love for everyone in the household
  7. Don't have to be peace maker? False
  8. The women never choose the wives? False
  9. Must be treated as king of the castle? True dominant male
  10. Don't have to be accountable to God? False


  1. Never deal with a problem alone
  2. More Incomes
  3. Free safe babysitting
  4. Help with household
  5. More Free Time
  6. Can have as many children as wish
  7. Opportunity to pursue your dreams
  8. Male security
  9. Loving relationship
  10. Truly happy


  1. May face social and religious rejection
  2. Additional wives can not be married legally without breaking the law
  3. You have more people to get along with
  4. Less quality time with spouse
  5. Hard to find another good woman
  6. May be negative feelings like jealousy between spouses
  7. Less privacy
  8. More role confusion
  9. Bigger household

We are not trying to replace monogamy, but to inform people about polygamy.

Polygamy should only be entered into seriously by someone called to it by God.

WARNING from Truth Bearer site

Do Not try this at home

If you have any questions or comments

Email me at alternativechurch@juno.com .

Feel free to suggest your own qualifications, benefits and disadvantages. I will post the best ones.
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