Correy Sutherland's 1630 website

...things that I've done with my Bernina... ...and still do...

..way back Hearth...(new) The mystery stitches The mystery stitches
..way back ... way back (Pictorial biography) Redefining the boring buttonhole On redefining the boring buttonhole
Shirts Shirts Anyone for tatting Anyone for tatting?
1630 designs of my own 1630 Designs of my own Liza's stuff Liza's stuff
The monogram alphabet The Monogram Alfabet Liza's stuff Patty Mellring's Outline Alphabet
The blue numbers The Blue Numbers 1630 Theme keys The 1630 theme keys 
Hints on using the Designer Software Hints on using the Designer Software Our Machine Covers Our Machine covers
How to create subdirectories How to create subdirectories for designs Our Machine Covers Projects
The Stitchdesigner II The Stitchdesigner (Version II) Our Machine Covers Temp Stuff (New)
You are visitor number: Last updated: 24 April 2007
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Best links ever.......
Ashley Engelund's site : Home of the1630 FAQ and shareable stitches! Carol Evans : The 1630 List-Mom,Sew-along leader,Catlover,with a cabin in the woods!
Gina Butler : The heirloom Stitches & Home of one heck of a creative published mama!

Martie Sandell: Creator of the comparison chart between the 1630 and 180 Bernies!