These are my pages devoted to my passion, or obsession about pretty shoes.
For a long time, I had wanted to showcase my heels, but not until I bought a
digital camera (and scanner) did it seem practical. Creating these pages from over 70 pair of
shoes, and over 150 images to get thumbnails to limit load time
will slow overall progress though. I hope you like the site till it's finished... WHAT am I saying? It will
probably NEVER be finished, well not unless we have a NEW fad of ugly shoes on the horizon :-)
The wallpaper, on this page was created by me years ago, using a my 5" heeled Red and Black Bee Bop
Pumps as a silhouette. I cut out a single shoe, and created the opening .GIF at the top of this page.
I'm looking forward to playing with shoe images to make this page look really distinctive.
I can receive EMAIL at, thanks.