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Welcome to
Pyraxus' Playground
Well I have finally posted an update!  I know, I have been a bit lazy lately but so many things have been going on.  I have been enjoying my summer by taking trips, working a lot and learning a lot about currency trading.  I now have a solid plan to finally become financially secure and totally independent and so far it is going well.  My goal is to accomplish independence (and perhaps retire) within five years, but time will tell.  I'm not counting my chickens yet.  :-)

I have been working diligently and have now posted links on my album page to all my available photos at photoworks.  There are even three new rolls from this summer, so please feel free to check them out.  I finally made my way to the Paw Paw tunnel which I had been planning of visiting for some time now.  It's nice to accomplish a goal now and then.  Now if I could only get more work done on the pond.  It's just been so hot lately though and I have gotten a lot done this year so far, but I could work on it a bit more.

I have been sticking to my work out routine very well now since mid June and I have been feeling very good and trimming and toning myself because of it.  You can read a bit of that and the last four month's entries which I have posted on my
Main Journal page.

Enjoy the rest of the summer everyone, and remember, if anyone wants to contact me feel free via
my e-mail address posted throughout the site.

If you like the sight then please feel free to tell friends about it. 

If any of you who visit my site have any suggestions, I would very much like to hear them.  All you have to do is
send me an e-mail by clicking on the links or my name at the bottom of the page, or you can sign my guestbook, put an entry in the forum or you can even instant message me with YAHOO by clicking on the link on the ad square in the upper right corner of the website pages that have them.
Below you will find several links to the various pages of my website.  And since I have quite a wide variety of interests, I hope you find something here that interests you as well.  So just click on one of the pictures below to take you to that page and I hope you have fun during your visit here!
Here is a little bit about me and some of my interests.  It is where I "come out of my shell".  There are also a few links to other sites that I find interesting if you want to check them out.
This is a collection of some of my favorite pictures that I have taken over the last several years.  Keep in mind however that the links in this section will take you out of my site and into the Photoworks.com site.  It is a much better method of viewing my photos than what I could do here, and you may even purchase reprints from them if you choose.  But don't forget to return to my site to visit the next album by clicking the "back" button or returning here.
Here you will find a listing for pages from my personal journal for those who want to get better insight into the real me.   I offer it as a living testament to any who would read it's pages.  It allows me (or you) to see the incredible transformations that can take place throughout a persons life.  In my life, God has played the major role in these transformations.  And what wondrous changes they have been!
If you have ICQ instead of Yahoo messenger then click on my ICQ#56734109 and it will take you to my Communications page where you can see if I am online.  Whether I am or not, you can instant message or e-mail me.  Go on, give it a shot!  I am usually only online late in the evening.
This site created and maintained by Pyraxus
Come on into the gameroom and relax a bit.  Here you"ll find games, jokes, riddles, a daily cartoon and you can even send friends a greeting card.  And don't forget to cast your vote in my most recent poll.
This is the forum. I call it ASK ANTHONY!  It is a place where you can post just about anything that comes to mind.  Whether you want to ask me a question, are looking for advice or just want to discuss something you are interested in with other visitors to my site then this is the place to go.  Go on, don't be shy.  Put in your 2 cents and see what happens. 

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Last updated Tuesday August 16th, 2005

"Awaken Your Heart and Uplift Your Soul"

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Click here to visit my pages about Tesla, CA.
These are my Tesla Tribute Pages.  Tesla was a bustling coal mining town right around the turn of the century from the 1890's to the 1910's.  Though there is little evidence left of the historically significant town it is a very special place which I often visited when I lived in California.  I share my love for this place with you in these pages.