Do you believe? |
The Kiss |
Two angels met one day in Heaven above, Two kindred souls, attuned to perfect bliss, Attracted by subtle powers of love, Lips greeted lips, and thus was born a kiss. And since that time, on Earth as in Heaven, Whenever faithful lovers meet or part, Fond lips touch lips, a fervent kiss is given, That seals the vows of each devoted heart. |
~Our lives are a journey that we should travel with Angels~ |
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Welcome to my website... |
"My Type" |
It seems that every person has their "type". What it is that really attracts them to another person. I want to find someone with a beautiful inside. Caring, honest, someone with integrity. Someone who can freely communicate and share ideas and concepts. Someone in touch with their emotions as well. On a physical note I do want someone who is attractive to me. Turn On's: BDSM, Blue Eyes, Leather, Spandex, Killer smiles, Fit/Jockish Types with good oral hygiene...what else... sense of humor, brains, common sense, chivalry - a little romance goes a long way with me! Guys who think of others and are not stuck on themselves, ohhh and those that are a little shy and nervous at first. Turn Off's: Bad teeth, bad breath, snobs, lack of integrity, alchoholics, CO-DEPENDANCY! |
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Conclusion |
Well there you have it. I hope you have enjoyed your stay:) If you think we may be what eachother is searching for, please drop me a line with more about your inner and outer self. Include a photo too. Just click on the cupid cartoon... |
Total Served |
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Photo's |
Without clothes... |
With clothes! |
I have had to cut the picture quantity down a bit - those pesky bandwith police! |
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Diverse a physical sense. Try me on for size... |
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Grab a beverage! Lets see...multi faceted persona, which may confuse some until they get it! Do not panic, Schizophrenia is not on my life menu. Only those who break through the facade experience the eccentricities. Shall we dance? I have a brain that at times exceeds megabyte output. It does not need to reboot as much though. While I have a lot of good information in this cranium, I am always on the wondrous search for even more. If having a brain scares you, exit stage left. Spirituality plays a big role in my life, being in tune with the earth, nature, celestial beings, and life force energies. I attend Christian services, embrace the metaphysical, dabble in Buddhism, and am always discovering new means at creation and balance with all that is life. Physically I would classify myself as visually stimulating. Not perfect or a South Beach God. I exist in a state of 9. What is that you ask...great conversation starter;) It started with my Trollhattan and just sprouted like Kudzoo. Fit and jock-ish through a variety of means, walking/jogging, swimming, PUMPING UP like Arnold, yoga, and riding my Schwinn (in hot lycra shorts of course). Dark brown nearly black hair either in a crazy square spike cut or a Caesar. Medium brown eyes, nice teeth...enough already lets meet in person and elevator eye each other! Demeanor Assertive, sometimes a little butch, sometimes a flair for the dramatic, but definitely not queeney. Hobbies ~ Interests Art, Architecture, Cars, Cooking, Movies, Music, Nature Exploration, Reading, Spanking,Writing... Assets My bootie ROTFL...but seriously, oh actually I was being serious. Drug and Disease free. Cheers, Fanfare. What a gay accomplishment. How many of the breed do you know? Rarely drink. Squeaky clean cut and FRESH! Then there is my brain - but you are growing tired of that and my head hurts talking about it. Faults Well HELLO we all have them...I think this is a good cliff notes version from the hordes of online personal and psychological tests...I am the Mystic Writer or Poet, an organizer and planner and often fit the great anal retentive identifier. My strongest suit is my creativity but loyalty is close in tow. Zodiac-wise, being a Virgo~Libra I find I can over analyze my indecisiveness as I strive to achieve perfect balance and order in everything. Dear Lord grant me strength. You will get used to it...I have. Apparently, I have some CONTROL factors as well. My Ideal Person: Complimentary not a carbon copy. Being a nice guy, capable of love, honest, intelligent, good looking, and fit/jock-ish all earn top marks. Age range is flexible but not interested in Brittany concerts or trimming ear hair for that matter if you catch the drift. I would say 21-39 may work out just perfectly but then again what am I psychic...well in a way. Open to any ethnicity...mixed up are favorites. In your DNA silly not your mental health problems! Together Phantom meets Moonstruck with a splash of lime. Of course the splash may occur around midnight with jock guy in a lime speedo diving into a pool near you - lets hope its yours... Respond today...lets meet up for some brown rice, green tea, and synchronize our meditational ohms. Psyche! Coffee and a whole grain bagel would suffice. Danish you say...absolutely not! Unless of course you bring the paddle and we do cardio afterwards. Maybe in cute lycra shorts;) |
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