Name: Rachael Miller
Birthday: August 30, 1967
Sign: Virgo
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5' 10½"
Weight: 139 lbs (OK, I wish! I'm really 154 lbs... FINE! So I
like chocolate. I'm 164)
Mesurements: 36b-nunya-38
Ocupation: Artist
Hobbies: Bike riding, shopping, washing hair, & doing nails

 | Come on...I know you wanna see more pictures of me. After all, that's why
you came here, right?
Click here to see my Photo
Album newest pictures of me
 Click Here for older
pictures of me
Rachael's Art my work and stuff
Graphics my lil company (home of Supersnake)

Thanks for stoppin' by, don't B a stranger...