/clipart/pictures/Template_Titles/ptitleb.gif Brian and Ray Railey-Taua

Gay Saint Louis
jjs clubhouse


We are a gay couple who  have been together since July, 1998.

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We were married in San Francisco on 2/25/04!!
We encourage any two adults who want to get married to FIGHT for their rights!
We discourage supporting people who promote hate towards any group. These kind of people are usually motivated by a combination of fear and ignorance and they are responsible for skewing societies view of what a typical GLBT relationship really is. Did you know that over a third of all committed same sex couples have children and are raising those kids in a loving, positive environment (without the legal benefits (over 1000) the Federal government bestows straight married couples?)
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Brian's hobbies & interests are: Rollerblading, swimming, working out, anything sci-fi, computers, body piercing and tattoos, having a good time with friends. Brian is getting his leather gear updated so he can join a leather club and Ray is adding to his gear so he can be 'fashionably' hot!
Ray's hobbies & interests are: bingo, sleeping, taking care of our fish and pets, sleeping, watching stargate and eating pizza with his 'Brian', sleeping.

Brian and Ray have been in love since meeting on July 31st, 1998.

We have several pets: 
Ikaika-(german shephard),
Miss Magie'-(a golden retriever),
Precious-(longhair cat),
and many african cichlid fresh water fish.

In 2001 we took a two week vacation to New Zealand - In our opinion, New Zealand is very, very 'family' friendly.  It would be a great place to live.
Ray's mom is staying with us thru June 2005.
Ray has worked at Wal-mart since 2000 and currently is an assistant manager at their Washington MO store.
Brian works at Washington University.
We are very thankful for our love.

Brian has a mom, three brothers, and a sister and a son. I am part Irish and part Cherokee.
My family lives near Kansas City, MO.
Ray has LOTS of family, most living in California.
I have a son, Garrett, born in 1990.  He is a great person and a very close friend too.
He is really into skateboarding and electric guitar playing. Skating he does well, playing guitar... well...
My best friend is Ray. He and I live in a two story house is South County in St. Louis, MO.  Ray is American Samoan descent.

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