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Welcome to Get-Out! Thanks for stopping by. Inside this place you'll find a bunch of emotion. It ranges from sadness, to anger, to joy, to hysterical bliss. And it's all true. So come on in and look around. And if the mood strikes you, give us your own story.

I've updated a lot of the site, but some of it is still under construction. The stories are available... as well as the eye candy (the two most imporant!).

So browse around... tell your friends... tell your gay community as well as your local gay and lesbian centers. This site is free. I do it because I care. Any money made from the sale of any of the products in some of the links is given to charities such as GMHC and APLA and God's Love We Deliver.

Just click the logo at the top.

Tim (aka Kendal)

One more thing... I can't say enough about this place. They have tons of really great gifts for US, the gay community. Check them out if you get a chance. I'm checking their site all the time.

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