Gegi's Home Page

I'm a pre-op TS, living enfemme full time
I Like People to be Honest ALL the time.
Near Dallas, Tx
Gegi's Fe-mail
Love Life & All The Creatures God put here with Us
I Used to have 30 goats but the city grew up around us
& forced us to give them up, the tears flowed a lot that day
Things I enjoy
People who are honest & real about
their feelings (if your trying to be something your really not
it stands out)
Serenity of the country, with open land full of creatures
doing their things
A little about me & my wife>
After about 25 years of marriage we are going different ways. We will be best friends-forever.
She had been a driving force behind me since the beginning of our relationship. Helping in ways that most anyone wouldn't even dream of.
The changes I've gone thru have drive a wedge between us.
I'm simply not the same, & she does have certain needs. We both knew this would happen for years. We did try to "buck the system" & avoid this... but we could not avoid the facts of change.
She has developed a realtionship with someone that should carry her through the rest of life. I hope it really works for her. (pray) As for myself, I've got someone myself.. It isn't perfect, & what relationship is, I'm "loved" more than I can even hope to love back. I hope this works--but have some issues that might lead to a failed relationship.
So I worry -- Alot... In the meantime, I try to have the best attitude all time & enjoy life..
Like to go on fossil hunts
Tanning on the deck !
Blue Skys
Good Music
Link to
My Lovely Holly {was Tony for awhile & she decided it wasn't her.. & that's perfectly OK...
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