Sharon's Dream World

Sharon's Dream World

Hi I'm Sharon
Welcome to Sharon's Dream World. I started moving in on 08/26/98 and here it is almost the end of Sept. and I have got a lot to do before it will be ready. I am still trying to figure out this page stuff, but will try my best to up date this page by the first of Oct. (Wish me luck) so please excuse the boxes and other junk. (Wish I could find my make-up.) I will have a bio up ny then, some pictures and other links soon. So please come back and see whats going on. If you have any idears, or want to help, please let me know.

My interests are:
Cross Dressing and just having fun.

The description of my page is:
Cross Dressing

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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