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"JIMMY'S PREGNANT!" by The Male Pregnancy (M/M, preg, birth) CHAPTER 1 Jimmy'd been hustling for over a year now, and the older guys he met at parties just couldn't seem to resist his blond good looks and tight swimmer's build. Just a sexy smile would usually be enough to start a mutually rewarding relationship. He'd been to Hawaii a couple of times and even to Europe once with a rich executive. The last guy he'd been with left him enough cash to live on his own for a short while, so he'd gone back to Wisconsin to see some old friends and party down. As always, the money spent fast. Almost broke, Jimmy went to the donut shop down the street and bought a bag of day-old donuts and a Pepsi. As he started scarfing the donuts and worrying about how to pay the rent, he noticed a good-looking guy in his forties on the other side of the shop. He was well-dressed, about 6 ft with a tight build, ex-military maybe. Jimmy couldn't help noticing the guy had returned his stare. After about 20 minutes, Jimmy had finished the donuts and was working on the last of his Pepsi. He'd exchanged a few more glances with the handsome guy, but was surprised when the guy got up and started walking straight toward him. The man dropped a piece of paper on the table in front of Jimmy, and left without saying a word. Jimmy looked at the card. It was a hand written note: "I think you're a hot-looking guy. If you're interested in a mutually profitable relationship call 555-9394." Jimmy shrugged, put the card in his pocket, and polished off the last donut. He smiled to himself as he left the donut shop. Two weeks later, Jimmy had just received an eviction notice from his landlord, and was living on peanut butter and day-old pastries, washed down with milk or beer. Suddenly he remembered the stranger's card. He dug his jeans out of a pile of clothes, and found the card. He puffed a Marlboro nervously as he dialed the number and listened impatiently for an answer. "Hello," came a smooth, even voice. "Hello?" the voice repeated. "Uh...hi there, um I'm the guy from the donut shop." "Oh yes, how are you?" it seemed pleased. "Good...uh..well not so great, actually. I'm being evicted." Shit, Jimmy thought, I've blown it, now he'll think I'm trash and hang up. "No problem, young man - I've got a condo in town I'm not currently using if you're interested.." the voice said cheerily. "Yes!" thought Jimmy, "A sugar-daddy - and a pretty fucking hot one too. " But, hell, why not hold out a little? " I dunno," Jimmy said, mock-reluctantly, "I'd have to think about it." "What's to think about? Room, board and $100 a week, how's that sound?" the voice prompted. "It's a deal" answered Jimmy quickly, "Oh, and can ya pay a couple a hundred in back rent?" "Certainly. We'll call it an advance," the voice said. Jimmy sensed that a new life had begun, rich, lazy luxurious - he'd finally got what he came to the big city to find: an address on Easy Street, with some sap to pay the bills. "I could come pick you up, if that'd be convenient, " it continued, "I'll drive my van in case you have some belongings you want to bring along. Say in about an hour?" "And a free ride too" thought Jimmy, positively giggling inside as he gave the man the address. CHAPTER 2 A short hour later, Jimmy stood waiting at the corner of Third and Martinet with his suitcase. He hadn't waited long before a shiny, late model van cruised by, went around the block once then pulled over to the curb in front of him. The tinted window rolled down to reveal the smiling face of the man from the donut shop. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting long, young man," he said, "Hop in! You can put your bag in the back." he said. Jimmy did and the van sped off into traffic. The man was exactly as Jimmy remembered him - better really. "So what's your name?" he added. "Jimmy - Jimmy Deschutes" Jimmy managed, still studying the man's trim figure intently. "Nice to meet you, Jimmy," the man replied, "I'm Eldon Charmichael. Doctor Eldon Charmichael to be exact." "Nice to meet you too, Eldon," Jimmy said, now even more confident that he had struck gold. "Jimmy," the Doctor said, "you seem like a very nice, and as I said very hot young man. Looking at you, I assume you're a man of the world so I'm going to ask you a direct question, one which I think will be fundamental to the continuation of our relationship. Ever take one this big?" The Doctor removed a napkin from his lap, revealing the largest, longest, plumpest cock Jimmy had ever imagined, let alone seen. And he thought he had seen it all. It actually hung down off the front of the seat, rolling back and forth lazily as the Doctor turned the van around a corner. Flaccid, it looked like a big, fat slug tossing languidly against his thighs. Jimmy was speechless. The Doctor smiled, "Go ahead: take a good look before answering. Check it out if you like." Aroused, embarrassed and more than a bit awestruck, Jimmy reached over and gingerly grabbed the huge organ around its abundant girth. He gulped. His fingers were a long way from touching. The Doctor chuckled, "He he! That tickles!" as Jimmy withdrew his hand. "So?" he added, "have you?" "N-no," stammered Jimmy sheepishly. "Well, would you be averse to trying ?" the Doctor continued cheerfully. "To die trying, you mean!" thought Jimmy. He couldn't take his eyes off the outrageous horse dick. "You see," the Doctor continued, "I've worked on improving it myself over time, using all the latest medical techniques: I'm a fertility specialist and I like to set a good example. You'd be surprised how many infertile women opt for natural insemination after I show it to them. And how many I've cured with it." "Really gets them stimulated: all that trembling, groaning and carrying on must have a positive clinical influence. I did however have to have my entire wardrobe re-tailored to accommodate it, though.' said the Doctor as he stuffed the huge sausage back into his pants. "Well?" "What?" said Jimmy dumbly. "Would you like to try it?" the Doctor persisted. "Uh, y-yeah, O.K." Jimmy relented, realizing that the alternative was probably being homeless, "Sure thing, man." "Excellent! That's the spirit!" the Doctor continued, "I'll pull over here and we'll continue our discussion in back where it's more comfortable." In back, his van was done up as a mobile medical clinic in an expensive, tasteful style. They sat in the back on a cushioned bench around a table. The Doctor was very proud of his van and showed Jimmy all the things inside it, including how the table dropped down and the cushions slid over to make an examination bed. At his bidding, Jimmy climbed on to it and the Doctor crawled on top of him. As he was bigger than Jimmy, the Doctor easily was able to pin him down with his knees on his arms. He asked Jimmy if he wanted to see his penis augmentation again before they started, and he didn't wait for his answer before he unzipped his fly and pulled it out. Jimmy was transfixed by the sight of it so huge, bulky, naked and up close, and he remembered the Doctor slowly bringing it forward to his face. When he told him to open his mouth Jimmy did, and then instinctively began to suck his cock. After a few minutes the Doctor pulled his cock away from his mouth and got off his shoulders. The Doctor turned around until he was facing the other direction and laid back down with his dick in Jimmy's face, except this time, his hands were free to touch it. Jimmy took it back in his mouth and began to suck again as the Doctor seemed to really enjoy it. While Jimmy was attempting to fit the Doctor's thick dick in his straining mouth and trying very hard not to choke on it, the Doctor had pulled down his pants and had swallowed Jimmy 's whole dick in one fell swoop. Once the Doctor started sucking on his dick Jimmy couldn't do anything except lay there and suck on the Doctor's dick. The Doctor shifted onto his hands and knees above Jimmy and started to pull Jimmy's dick in and out of his mouth. It didn't take very long for Jimmy to blow his load. After Jimmy came, the Doctor turned around again and asked him if he enjoyed it. Jimmy must have said he did, but he didn't remember saying anything at the time. He was far too lost in the pleasures of post orgasmic-bliss to notice the Doctor getting out the surgical grade lubricant. The Doctor startled Jimmy with the cool wet sensation of his fingers probing his ass. Jimmy started up to find out what happening, but the Doctor stopped him and told him to breathe slowly and relax, that he was performing a medical evaluation and going to show Jimmy something even better than his blow job. Jimmy let him continue. He protested that that many fingers in his ass hurt, but the Doctor again told him to relax and close his eyes. It was a really weird sensation to have someone stick practically their entire hand in your ass and slide it in and out. It felt like Jimmy was having a giant shit, but it continued on, over and over. It felt weird, but it also felt exciting in a new way, so when the Doctor told him to roll over onto his stomach Jimmy did what he was told, figuring the Doctor needed a better angle. On his stomach, the Doctor told him to stretch out, and when Jimmy did, he slid his gloved fingers up Jimmy's ass again. Oh, it began to feel really good, and Jimmy honestly wondered what was going to happen next. Indeed, Jimmy didn't know that he was about to get fucked until he felt the weight of the Doctor's body lay down on his back and the Doctor's meaty organ pressed against him. Jimmy turned to look at him, but the Doctor stuck his tongue in Jimmy's ear and Jimmy just about lost it completely. Jimmy could feel the greased up head of the Doctor's bulky dick probing the crack of his ass, but Jimmy couldn't move, and the Doctor's tongue in his ear was driving me wild. When the head of his gigantic dick finally found his well-fingered hole and slid inside, Jimmy cried out in pain. The Doctor stopped. Jimmy begged him to take it out, but he didn't. He just stayed where he was, pinning Jimmy down and breathing in his ear. Jimmy don't know how long he laid there before the Doctor began to fuck him, but the pain went away and he began to enjoy it. If having someone's fingers up your ass felt weird, then having a medically enhanced dick up his ass felt really fuckin' weird, especially one the size and shape of the Doctor's. Jimmy could not describe the feeling, but he felt waves and waves of sensations traveling up and down his body from his head to his toes. When at last the Doctor slowed his pounding rhythm on his poor, stretched ass, Jimmy had had enough and couldn't take much more. When he pulled it out, Jimmy felt a cool rush of air kiss his wet hole. He turned to look at the Doctor. He smiled at Jimmy and stroked his hair. He told me that Jimmy he was really good, and that he did it like an expert. The Doctor also told him that he was always looking for assistants to help him work out new techniques and procedures for penis surgery recovery and other things. It was rare to discover someone so well suited to the purpose as Jimmy was, so full of natural physical talent and potential. The Doctor handed him a business card from his fertility clinic and told Jimmy to call him at the number on the back so that they could continue to work together. Jimmy remembered feeling like a million dollars when the Doctor dropped him off around the corner from his condo. He had a delicious feeling as though he had just discovered something very special, secret and forbidden as well as lucrative and wickedly sexy. His ass seemed to be still pulsating from the assault as Jimmy clenched in his hand the business card on which the Doctor had written his private number. Jimmy phoned him about two days later. At first, he had planned to call him the next day, but Jimmy felt guilty. After a talk with his friends, it seemed as though it might never have happened. But at night alone in his bed, Jimmy began to lick a finger and stick it up his ass when he jerked off and he imagined that it was more. Jimmy had to call the Doctor a couple of times to get him on the line if his assistants answered the phone. When he did, the Doctor seemed very pleased to hear from Jimmy. They arranged to meet on a Friday night outside the condo. This time, the Doctor drove his van to a secluded parking lot behind some buildings where it was very dark. With the table folded down, the Doctor striped Jimmy naked and began to lick him all over his body. It was wonderful. Again, the Doctor sucked him off then fucked Jimmy thoroughly. Jimmy remembered he came easily when the Doctor leaned forward and began to kiss him while pinning his knees to his shoulders and fucking Jimmy with the huge member that he had begun to crave. It was the greatest sex Jimmy had ever had in his life and from then on, for the next several weeks, the Doctor would meet him outside his condo and they would drive off somewhere to have sex in the back of his van. Once they parked, it wouldn't take the Doctor more than twenty minutes before he have his big hard cock poking into Jimmy's young and eager butt hole, either alone or in combination with some sort of medical apparatus. Jimmy had never felt so filled or fulfilled before. CHAPTER 3 - THE TRIP TO MEXICO One day as they languished together after a particularly good session, the Doctor said, "You know Jimmy, I'm very pleased with your progress but there are some procedures I'd like to work on with you that I can't get FDA approval for here in the states. I own a medical clinic and a health resort down on the coast in Mexico. I'd like for you to come there with me for a while so that we can pursue our work without worry of regulatory intervention. What do you say?" Jimmy, who had been lolling in the afterglow rather than really listening, simply uttered a reflexive "yes" and before he knew it, he was lying beside the Doctor again inside a sunny, beach-side apartment on the beautiful Mexican Riviera the Doctor had arranged for him. Jimmy enjoyed the region with all its new sights and sounds. And he certainly enjoyed sex with the Doctor more than ever in this new setting. The Doctor's mighty dick was sliding into his supple hole with ease now, deeper than Jimmy had ever thought possible. With the many different erotic treatments and procedures the Doctor had tried out on his willing rectum, he now felt sexually capable of anything. Of late, the Doctor's balls had been really swollen, puffed up by the huge volumes of semen they produced. Jimmy guessed that things were perhaps a bit slow at the clinic lately because the Doctor was bringing all that hot sperm home to him. Just seeing the Doctor walking bow-legged from his car toward the apartment was enough to let Jimmy know that he was in for a long, hot night (as well as a long, hot cock!) The Doctor's nuts seemed to grow larger and larger as the days went by. As Jimmy licked and played with the huge orbs, he noticed they were getting far too big to put in his mouth - even one at a time. They dangled heavily inside the Doctor's taught, bulging scrotum. The Doctor also was cumming in buckets, sometimes pumping Jimmy's ass almost uncomfortably full of his hot seed. Still, Jimmy had little to complain about: for the sake of appearances and to avoid attracting attention to the fact that he had no passport or other papers, the Doctor had arranged for him to work at the his clinic in the city a few days a week. Jimmy's job there was very easy and he had plenty of time off to do as he pleased. Using the Doctor's generous stipend, Jimmy'd stuffed himself with lots of local food for a few weeks. He'd always been able to eat like a horse without gaining a pound. Still, as he put on his tight white uniform for his first day back on the job in the clinic, Jimmy felt a little discomfort as he cinched them closed around his waist. Gazing approvingly at his handsome face in the full-length mirror on his bedroom door, his satisfied smirk disappeared as he lowered his view. A small jelly roll of flab bulged over his jeans, and jiggled ever so slightly as he moved. No doubt about it, Jimmy thought to himself, got to get into the pool and start swimming again. He slipped on his smock and headed out for the clinic, letting his belt out a notch and patting his stomach that hung over it. Otherwise, things had been kinda slow the last few weeks for Jimmy. He went to the same tourist bars, but somehow the guys weren't responding as often, and he had to be more aggressive to find a paying lover. One 40ish guy he'd cruised even chuckled and grabbed the small mound of flesh Jimmy had hidden, or thought he'd hidden, under a loose-fitting shirt. Man, I really gotta start jogging or something, he thought at the moment - but he ended up finding a guy that night and going out for a late night 6 course Italian dinner. Oh well, he'd start exercising as soon as spring rolled around, and anyway it wasn't like he was really fat or anything, just a little "bigger" than he used to be. He could knock off a few pounds easy once he put his mind to it. Jimmy looked at the scale in disbelief, then into the mirror at his 5ft. 10 inch frame. Not only had he gained another 5 pounds, but he was sure a lot of what had once been muscle was now plumpness and fat. His cheeks were fuller and rosier, and he even saw the hint of a double chin. With all the temptations, he was having a hard time adjusting to life in Mexico. But no way he was going back to working in a K-mart in Wisconsin, he thought to himself grimly. CHAPTER 4 Hisday off had arrived and Jimmy dressed in a tight pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The elastic waistband on the shorts dug into his softening waist; the shorts couldn't hide all of his butt crack nor some of his butt cheeks out the legs, he noticed, while his tits and belly tugged slightly against the large T-shirt he'd bought only a month ago. The plan was for him and the Doctor to take a trip to the health resort the Doctor operated down the coast. When they arrived there, Jimmy was quite impressed by the size and scope of the facility. As they toured the spacious grounds, the Doctor explained how he had arrived on the deserted beach here many years ago and envisioned building the facility they now saw before them, fully staffed and bustling with patients. As the Doctor reminisced, a group of young female patients happened to be returning from a morning walk on the white, sandy beach. "Sure are a lot of pregnant bitches around this place," Jimmy blurted out, displaying his talent for stating the obvious. "Yes, of course" replied the Doctor, adding silently to himself, "and you're one of them!" Fascinated, Jimmy watched the gravid girls approach slowly. "There's nothing quite like having one of those pigs squealing on the end of your dick, Jimmy, " the Doctor added, again thinking "though you'd better try it soon before you get too big to enjoy it yourself" to himself. Jimmy continued to watch the group of girls waddle past, their bumps wobbling ponderously from side to side under their tent-like smocks. As he stood in the sunlight, the Doctor silently assessed Jimmy's own progress with a trained eye: Jimmy's fattened-up pregnant belly could still best be described as "cute". It looked fresh in that the white cottony fabric of his T-shirt stretched over it, pulling near his navel, as if trying to contain something new, that hadn't been there when it first slid down over this man's body. Over the months since his belly had begun to fatten on his jockish body, Jimmy'd started to pull at his T-shirts, untucking them a little from his now tight Levi's to give the extra flesh room. At first it helped disguise the fact that he'd put on a few pounds; now, it provided some give, so he was not reminded about how fat he was getting every moment of the day. Jimmy's T-shirt was pulled tight as a drum over his rounded abdomen, and tucked neatly into his jeans. His new look boasted the two "dips" that are guaranteed to put iron into his 501's. The first dip was the one where his beefy chest curved down and in toward his diaphragm. When pregnant women get big, they turn into beach balls. No distinction between their chests and bellies. The feminine form disappears under a huge mound of baby. Jimmy's body on the other hand still bore that concavity just below the breastbone, a dip just before the line of his profile began its journey outward once more, surmounting the forward roll of his blossoming belly before retreating once again into the tight confines of his jeans. The second "dip" was at the waistband of his jeans. This is what the Doctor called "the smile," the slight rounding of the denim, especially visible when there is no belt, a bowing downward to grant room for the voluptuous swell of the lower belly. The baby, low on Jimmy's stomach had taken substance, fattening out from under his navel, pushing out over its denim confines. The Doctor could see the mild shadow beneath the bulge, throwing his belly into glorious relief. As a final bonus, the girls saw him and waved shyly, just as they passed. He broke into a grin, and the Doctor looked as Jimmy lifted one hand slightly, in a vague wave back. But he saw his other hand instinctively, unconsciously slip up to move over his sexy bulging belly. So sweet! He was being shy about it in that way that people are so shy about things that they inadvertently draw attention to them. His fingers barely touched the fabric of his T-shirt at first. But then his hand came to rest there on the plush surface of his fattened baby-belly, for a split instant, as if he meant to do that in the first place, before he dropped it and moved on. The Doctor was more than pleased. He slipped his hands around Jimmy's growing waist and whispered to him: "Jimmy, we're going to stay here for awhile. We'll live together in one of the bungalows. I'm certain you'll like it." Jimmy smiled, certain that he would. CHAPTER 5 Two months later Jimmy, lying around in only his underwear, polished off the last of the waffles. Life with the Doctor was sheer heaven. True, the Doctor had made him stop smoking, and he'd started eating like a fuckin' pig to compensate, but the Doctor didn't seem to mind the extra pounds. In fact, the sight of Jimmy's swelling, jiggling tits, ballooning waistline and round rippling ass-cheeks seemed to get him hotter than hell. The Doctor loved to run his strong, sensitive hands over the now prominent bulge of flesh, nibbling Jimmy's ear as he caressed the bloated warmth of Jimmy's belly, cupped his bouncy tits and teased his hard, erect nipples until Jimmy moaned in ecstasy. Shit, Jimmy thought chuckling, all I have to do is lie around, and this guy'll service me and support me for life. Just at that moment, the Doctor appeared, not in his customary business suit, but in a lab coat. "Kinky," said Jimmy, grinning, "but I'm really not up for anything this early, maybe later we can-." But the Doctor hadn't waited for an answer. He slipped his hands under the mattress and rolled Jimmy out of bed. "Hey, man, what the hell?!?" "Shut up, " barked the Doctor, yanking Jimmy up off the floor. "Shit, man, what the fuck?!?" Jimmy felt a twinge of pain as the Doctor twisted his arm around behind his back in an iron grip. "From now on, you're to address me as 'Doctor', young man," he menaced between clenched teeth. He loosened his grip on Jimmy's arm, and Jimmy spun around, glaring. "Listen, man, I don't know what your new scene is, but I'm outta here!!!," Jimmy put on his sweats and headed for the door. "Go ahead," the Doctor grinned wickedly, "see how much money you make hustling your fat white ass here in Mexico now." The Doctor gave his ass cheek a sharp slap for emphasis. As Jimmy felt the flabby globes of his ass ripple under the sweat pants, he realized that the Doctor was right. "OK Eldon, what's the deal, you bastard,?" Jimmy glared sullenly. The Doctor grabbed a handful of Jimmy's hair roughly: "For starters, as far as your concerned my name is 'Doctor'. From now on, you're my patient and my patient only, got that?!?" Jimmy nodded, submissively. "Good! It's long been my ambition to grow a baby inside a man, Jimmy and you're it! I've impregnated you. My tests confirm it: you're carrying a child. Now, as my patient you've got 2 jobs: doing my every bidding in bed and out, and taking care of your body and the baby inside it: eating lots of the right food, exercising, submitting to the necessary tests and examinations without complaining. If you cooperate, you get a life of luxury. If not, well - believe me young man, you don't want to know." Then he forced Jimmy into the bedroom. Pushing him onto the bed, he pulled Jimmy's sweat pants and underpants off , revealing his burgeoning pot belly. "Soon, you will really start to show. Your belly will expand steadily to accommodate the growing child inside. Before this is over, you will be hugely pregnant. A big bulging pregnant man. Just like the women around here. Think of it! But there's more. You will be pregnant because you want to be. You will be an enthusiastic breeder, living for food and sex, and you will crave more baby inside your body. Every day you will grow fatter than the day before, as your stomach stretches bigger and bigger." "Even your arms and legs and thighs will become plump. Your abs, what's left of them, will disappear and be replaced by an immense firm gut that sticks out so far you cannot possibly see your feet when standing. And your pecs will become small tits. Your whole body will become fat. You'll have gas, food cravings, swollen feet, all your clothes will become too small to fit around your expanding girth. You'll waddle around the house, wearing baggy maternity clothes stretched tight over your ever increasing stomach. "I've impregnated you because I wanted it. But before I'm done, you will be pregnant because you want it. You want to feel that bulge. See?" With that the Doctor had approached Jimmy and was standing directly in front of him. Jimmy then felt the Doctor's hands on his belly - what a strange feeling! - they each grabbed his soft belly-fat and started rubbing it, stretching, prodding. It felt so - firm and tight underneath. It was so strange. His cock dripped pre-cum. Then the Doctor pressed himself against Jimmy, and Jimmy felt the Doctor's hard muscular body press against his own. The Doctor moved his body from side to side and Jimmy felt his own skin moving with him, separated from his muscles by a layer of very strange feeling fat. The Doctor kissed him deeply, as he ran his fingers fast and furiously all over Jimmy's belly bulge. Jimmy succumbed to the feelings. Hard body, soft body, tongues, fingers working that new fullness he never had before. Feeling softer, still feeling his own muscles over the bulge - the fingers still working all over - the Doctor's hard body still rubbing against his own soft- covered one - he cried out and came explosively. "Close your eyes," the Doctor said. Jimmy did, and felt the Doctor press the head of his hard big cock into his soft belly. Just slightly more than touching.