Statement of Purpose
Seattle Bisexual Women's 

Seattle Bisexual
Women's Network

P.O. Box 30645
Greenwood Station
Seattle, WA

Last Update

SBWN was born on July 2, 1983!


Image compliments of Roberta Gregory

Statement of Purpose

We are a group of self-identified women Woman's Symbolfrom diverse backgrounds working to create a feminist bisexual support network. We promote, in both the heterosexual world and the lesbian, gay, transgendered community, the understanding and acceptance of bisexuality as one of many valid sexual identities. More....

SBWN Calendar of Events


Facilitated Meeting: Second Tuesday of the Month
6:30PM Social Salon
7:00PM - 8:30PM Check-in and Open Rap or Topic Discussion

Capitol Hill Group Health 201 16th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112 Map

South Building
Down the stairs to the Atrium.
Left Corner Past the Atrium Cafe'
Room(s) A6/7

Come join our monthly facilitated discussion for women and women identified women!

Meet and mingle in an engaging, feminist, bisexual-supportive environment. Pose your most burning questions, and hear the most interesting responses from a diverse group of lively self-identified women, in a relaxing and laid back environment. The social salon time is designed to accommodate the varying schedules of attendees, so arrive when you can. Be a part of bisexual community in Seattle! 

Next Meeting:
Date Time Location Topic
2nd Tues 05/12/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 8pm meeting
8pm - 9pm business mtg
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat

Upcoming Meetings:
2nd Tues 06/09/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat
2nd Tues 07/14/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat
2nd Tues 08/11/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat

Previous Meetings:
2nd Tues 12/09/2008 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat
2nd Tues 01/13/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat
2nd Tues 02/10/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 8pm presentation
8pm - 830 discussion
Capitol Hill Group Health Women's Health Presentation
2nd Tues 03/10/2008 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat
2nd Tues 04/14/2009 630 - 7pm Social
7pm - 830 meeting
Capitol Hill Group Health Open Chat

Subscribe to SBWN Weekly Announcements!


Other Resources and Groups

BiNet Seattle
BISEXU-L Bisexuality listserv
Seattle Black Pride
Getting Bi PDX Portland's organization for bi women
GLBT health information and resources
Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
Live Journal's bisexual community
The NW Network of bi, trans, lesbian survivors of abuse
PFLAG Seattle Seattle Chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender People
Poly Potluck Discussion Group of Greater Seattle
and Western Washington  
Trikone Northwest Differently oriented South Asians