ICQ # 17440649
This is my site that is going to place me on the side of the road of the Information Super Highway.
I am Jelaci. I am the type of person who you see in a movie and talk about how much the bomb he is. I am also the person who, when you see me in real life, you cross the street real fast.
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HERE to go to Jelaci's Love
A Proud Member of the One & Only Associate Network
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I am heavily into Techno, House, Freestyle, Trance, real forms of Hip Hop (no mainstream, I'm black and I have it rough even though I got mad gold on my neck and on my teeth) and most R&B. Here are some of the net radio links that I have found:
Rave-Network: Official HomePage
European Radio Stations on the Internet (A-I)
(This one is european whatever music, if thats your bag, baby)
Here is a great site to increase rave awareness:
Give me a shout at jelaci@hotmail.com
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I am going to keep working on my site until people start sending me money to look at it and I become rich. I will buy everybody Carl's Jr. when I'm rich, reserve your food now!!!
I would also like to create this link, because I think it is the most perfect inspiration of a perfect web page, this woman has got skillz that anyone could plainly see. . If for any reason, though you happen to send her an e-mail, she does have a resume in there, throw me in the mix some how, and let her know that Jelaci respects her work, even though she will not now who you are speaking of, we have never spoke, or had contact in any way except for I had seen her page and was enthralled.
w w w . j e a l o u s y . c o m
I grew up in a hate free environment. I was raised to not see color. I was also raised to not see social class. I was not taught discrimination between the sexes. I believe that a man has every right to be with a man, and a woman to a woman. I get upset hearing the rumors about how aids got started, and get tired of hearing an us and them mentality when discussing people with AIDS. It is an epidemic, and I would highly appreciate it if you would send me information so that i could put it on my page. Ignorance is a lack of understanding.
Excite Health: Diseases & Conditions: AIDS & HIV
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Just another brother trying to make some loot, tell your friends!!!