Alaska "the last frontier"
Welcome to Alaska...
Surf through the links and find the best fishing and camping in Alaska. You will experience the wonder of breath taking landscapes and abundant wildlife on your frontier journey.
Click on the salmon for some
of Alaska's best fishing
Take a tour

Hi, I am Ambi and my sweetie is CC. Our hobbies are camping,
fishing, gardening, surfing the net, watching the X-files
and Southpark and playing with our pets.
(website born 8/19/1998 © ambidextrous_2000)
Living in Alaska is a challenge
with the harsh weather,
mountainous terrain, large and dangerous wildlife.
We also must contend with earthquakes,tsunamis and volcanos.
Alaska Earthquake 1964 (9.2)
Alaska's Volcanos
Alaska's Weather
Unusual Phenomenon
Our Pets & Hobbies
Riley is a Yorkshire Terrier
Brandy is a Tibetan Terrier
Annie is also a Tibetan Terrier

We are not the only ones who like to fish,
so does our cat Holly.