A Girl and her Elkhound and the other Elkhound Mom

I'm Nicki, Liza's Mom.

This page is dedicated to my beloved Norwegian Elkhound, Liza auf Robinhill. Liza died on 6/29/1998 at the age of 15.5 Several days before, we managed to have one last good gathering of the pack.

Liza was a great dog with two moms, Nicki & Joyce, who were separated but had joint custody. Liza also had better gaydar than anyone I have ever met.

Liza was extremely intelligent, very beautiful, loved good food, loved to play chase and play with her toys. She loved hikes, walks in the park, and trips to the beach. She was an excellent watch dog. And she spent a lot of time being happy. Liza learned a few tricks like beg, shake, and speak. Like all Norwegian elkhounds, she had a stubborn streak. However over time, this was tempered by training and love.

Liza also had a great capacity for figuring things out. Twice, when my cooking was interrupted by calls and I left things on the stove she went off before my smoke alarm did. In her old age, she trained me to leave my walk-in shower door open and it took me quite awhile to understand that she had grasped what a drain was and wanted to use it.

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Liza the beautiful:

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