It's pretty bad when your reputation is tarnished because you happened to fall in love with the wrong guy. A guy who would pretend and use your name on the net, a guy who would force you to cruise rest areas, someone who would not think twice about beating the shit out of you, someone who puts words in your mouth, and consistently degrades you and finds your faults and lectures how you suck.

My x played me worse that he ever played any of you, he used the guy before me the same way he's using the guy he's with now.

I would like to apologize to all of the guys who thinks that Jason and I used you. You think I liked being the roommate when I was actually told I was the lover, going to bed alone while he's on the internet trying to pick up dick till 3 am in the morning.

This is not a pity attempt, or an attempt to degrade you know who, it's just the truth which half you don't ever seek or listen to anyway.

Though I had friends....