Hello, my name is Josh, aka "Gryffen", and this is my first attempt at creating a page on the web. I am 25 years old and, call me crazy, but working with this HTML stuff is confusing as hell. Anyway, I just moved to Montgomery, Alabama from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and boy is it ever red-neck hell in this hole in the world. Anyway again, I work for an atorney as a Paralegal and I have a variety of interests. I am a gay male who has been with a partner for 6 1/2 years. It will be 7 years on November 5th, 2000 to be exact. I am a published author, and would really hope that this page ends up reflecting all of my interests mentioned before, and without being too offensive, I now have picture galleries put up here. They don't show the full monty, but trust me, you will love them. I love writing and spending time hanging out with friends(that is, when I have the time. I also collect coins and I love history and anything related to it. If you share the same interests as I do, feel free to e-mail me anytime and I will answer as soon as I possibly can. But please do not send me any e-mails dealing with sexual inuendo(in other words, no weirdos). Thank you for taking the time to look around. And, since you ARE here, PLEASE sign my guestbook from the "tour" page by using the link. Later.......For Now! This page was last updated on April 12, 2000!, and was created in August of 1998. And, yes, for all of those who may be wondering where I have been lately, I am in the process of getting more stuff on here and NOW !!! have my conspiracy page on here and have lots of conspiracy stuff for you to download. Go to my conspiracy page to get the files before they are gone for good !!! MORE SOON TO COME, SO LOOK OUT !!! |
Also, I do not endorse anyone or anyone's website that I have listed here. So please do not feel obligated to visit any of them, but do so only if you wish. Also, these are some that reflect my interests/hobbies, etc... |
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Visitor since August of 1998 !!!
All images posted here are considered to be in the public domain, therefore, free to download and use by anyone. There are specific creations of mine on this site, which should be obvious. However, if something is obscure and you are not sure about it, please e-mail me before you download it, otherwise it is considered copyright infringment, as is "stealing" the design of my page in any way. E-mailing me only takes a few seconds, and, face it, nothing on this page is going to disappear before you get a reply from me. ;-) Please forgive me for sounding harsh, if I am, but I am protecting you guys as much as I am protecting myself, so please understand, okay? Also, if you recognize anything on this page as being your personal creation that you do not wish for me to post, or if there is anything on the page which you know of or suspect as being copyright protected, let me know ASAP and I will promptly remove the material in question. Thank you. ---"Gryffen"
All material, including, but not limited to the following: design and workmanship as well as custom logos, artwork, writings, etc..., is expressly prohibited from publication by anyone other than myself, Josh Livingston a.k.a. "Gryffen," and will not be downloaded, reproduced, duplicated, transmitted, or otherwise used in any way by anyone without the expressed written permission of myself (but feel free to e-mail my pages to your friends for their viewing pleasure ;-) )
Website design and custom content © 1998-1999, by Josh Livingston