<FONT SIZE="+5"><FONT FACE="Eurostile"><center><b><i>Lesbian Laughter</b></i></center>


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Some of our greatest ideas are born when we are tired and unable to resist the whirlwind of inspiration.

We were tired, I'll give you that. Tired, hot, in dire need of a few personal items, hungry but relaxed in mind and soul. After 800 miles across Northern Minnesota and Canada in under 24 hours, we were ready for inspiration.

How did we get there? You'll have to read "Matilda and the Rocks" for that story.

On this trip we discovered that true love can be forged as deeply between friends as it can between lovers. True love is what keeps people connected, be it as friends, lovers or life partners. We also discovered that the one of the strongest links is laughter.

Have you noticed that you can always hear lesbians laughing? In bookstores, restaurants, coffee houses, clubs, theaters - rolling wonderful laughter. Think of the wonder and joy we feel, knowing our lives are filled with laughter.

Which brings us to the point of this site. How many ways do we share love? How many faces does it have, how many guises, disguises or costumes do we dress it up in? What we will try to do is share with you true love, from Millie, who has spent half a century with her partner, to that unnamed woman who is in the throes of her first love affair and trying her hand at writing erotica for her girlfriend (see "The Campfire Girls"). Then there is Laurie and Carolyn, who have been best friends since they met in the kindergarten sandbox 35 years ago. There are those who live a quiet life, unknown but to those who love them, to those who live in the spotlight and fishbowl of notoriety. We want to share all aspects of true love, from romantic love to lifelong love, from love shared in monogamy to polyamory, to love we share with our friends and families, chosen as well as biological.

If you have a story you would like to share with us and lesbians everywhere, please send it along. Our long term plan is to publish an anthology, a collection of stories, poems and pictures by lesbians of all ages for lesbians of all ages. Our dream is to have a collection that will reinforce your happiness on those wonderful days, calm your soul when you are restless, give you hope when you are blue, to feel you have a friend by your side.

Do you have specific questions? Need more information? Want to know we really aren't a couple of nuts? Please email us.

Wishing you love and laughter,



Please contact us at lesblaughs@aol.com

Come back soon and visit.

Submissions, Stories and Information

Lauren's Lair

Teresa's Tessera

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