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These pictures were taken in January 2001
Just sitting around "Chillin'" with my buddy, Amanda! Approximately from 04/97
Hey there everyone! In case you don't actually know me, my name is Erin Olson, and I'm from Duluth, MN. I'm basically just chilling out here and having fun. Take a look through my webpage, feel free to let me know what you think.
People always want to know stuff like, what's your type? What are you looking for? Well, take a look at my statistics page and that might answer some questions.
Links to other sites on the Web
I'm a HUGE Xena Fan, and this is a great fansite
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The Domino's pizza website-could you live without pizza?

© 1997 eolson20@hotmail.com
© 1998 eolson22@netscape.net

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