Berge's Editorial Cartoons

Welcome to my editorial cartoon site. Glad you could drop by! This page has been having problems with Google Chrome lately for whatever reason; it seems fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer, however. Not sure what to do about that. With any luck, you should see New York Governor David Paterson in this week's cartoon. The couple in last week's cartoon were Brian S. Brown and Maggie Gallagher of the anti-marriage "National Organization for Marriage."

Ready or not "I think this is an issue of integrity regardless of what I think and what end of the political spectrum I stand on. I was raised in a family to know right from wrong and politics, whether you fall in the middle or the left or the right. It's an issue of integrity whatever your opinion is, and I say that with the utmost conviction."
--Miss Arizona, Alicia-Monique Blanco, explaining her views on universal health care at the Miss U.S.A. Pageant April 19, 2009, and stealing the best answer Perez Hilton could have expected from Miss California (Carrie Prejean) on marriage rights. This answer only garnered Miss Arizona Second Runner-Up status, however, so fie on all those people bitching that Miss California was penalized for speaking her mind.


Boilerplate legal stuff: Please note that all cartoons on these pages are copyrighted either by me, or by the publications which printed them, or by the syndicate/s which distributed them. They may not be reproduced without permission of the particular copyright holder. Contact me by changing the "AT" to "@" in the address in this link. For reprint rights to anything gay-themed on this site, contact Q syndicate at (Same deal with the AT/@). There, we've got all that out of the way, and I feel so much better.

About the Cartoonist

I began drawing LGBT-themed political cartoons on a regular basis since 1993, first for Gaze Magazine (Minneapolis), then for In Step News (Milwaukee). Since 1996, my cartoons have been syndicated to some 20 publications across the US and Puerto Rico and even South Africa through Q Syndicate. (See five of my Q Syndicate cartoons not posted on this site by clicking here.

I've also drawn cartoons for, or had them reprinted in, the Los Angeles Times, Out magazine, Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year, the Racine, Wisconsin Journal Times, Vanguard, Quayle Quarterly, Wisconsin Reasearch Center for Pluralism Report, In Brief (Bridgehampton, NY), Moneyed Politicians Weblog, Manitou Messenger, Iconoplastic magazine, Northcountry Journal, the UWM Post, UWP Ranger, and the UWSP Pointer.




Gay Merriage
Biennia then aim
Campaign 2008
The Gathering Storm
Sports & Gays
Chicago Gay Games
The Tommy Thompson Files
The former Governor in cartoons
Eau Canada
(More gay marriage)
Ten Commandments
Where do I get my ideas?
Gays in the Military
and rules of engagement
The Reagan Years
Gender Gap
The Pappy Bush Years
Double Dip
The Clinton Years
Agent of Change
The Darth Dubious Years
The Power of Cheese

The portrait gallery


The Womyn's Festival Cartoon

Moslem Stereotypes

Cartoon Provokes Hate Mail in Michigan

Condoms and Abortion

and other reader concerns

Sign Guestbook + View Guestbook + View the old guestbook

(Toons: Gov. Paterson promotes marriage rights. Brian S. Brown & Maggie Gallagher seek 2M4M.)

Thanks for stopping by!

� 2009 Paul Berge
(You'll have to replace the "(at)" and "(dot)" in the mailto address with "@" and ".", and please give your e-mail a Subject line that distinguishes it from the dozens of spam messages that come in every day!)

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