Greetings and Salutations, I'm Florencer.
I am a Friend of Dorothy. What it be like!!!

This is an animated gif of what life can so often seem to be like...

My interests are:
vinyl records, Canada, architecture.

The description of my page is:
audio [see weblink and photo of a great waffle iron destined for MoMA, sorry Bang & Olufsen]
speculative fiction for example Daniel Keys Moran, Last Dancer
and aesthetics

E-male me at

Until next time... A Bientot. Bienvenue...

Links to other sites on the Web...

Today's threat level is this color:
Terror Alert Level

For more information on this CD player and preamp


muslim page one
muslim page two

Fruit Machine

This is a very simple implementation of a fruit machine. Nothing fancy, but it works. Credits are earned as follows:
You start with 250 credits
with all three equal, you earn 25 credits
with first & second equal, you earn 15 credits
with second & third equal, you earn 10 credits
and first & third equal, you get 5 credits
If you reach 0 credits, just hit the again button to play again or push refresh on your browser.

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