I. Eriospermum (Hallier f.) Verdcourt ex Austin
A.  Eriospermum Hallier f.
   1. Eriospermum (Hallier f.) D. F. Austin (64 taxa)
    * bonariensis? (andersonii)
    * horsfalliae
    * microdactyla
    * platensis
   2. Anisomeres (House) D. F. Austin (3 species)
   3. Arborescentes (Choisy) D. F. Austin (12 taxa)
   4. Batatas (Choisy) D. F. Austin (15 taxa)
    * batatas (tricolored, variegated, split leaf, flowering)
    * cordatotriloba ++
    * lacunosa ++
    * trifida
    * triloba ++
   *** Wanted:  [batatas x trifida]
   5. Bombycospermum (Presl) D. F. Austin (1 species)
   6. Jalapae (House) D. F. Austin (35 species)
    * carnea
    * carnea fistulosa (white
[pic], pink [pic]) ++
    * leptophylla +
    * macrorhiza
   7. Mirandinae D. F. Austin (7 species)
   8. Setosae (House) D. F. Austin (7 species)
   ** Wanted: setosa
B. Erpipomoea Choisy (9 species)
    * aquatica ++
    * obscura ++
    * ochracea

II. Ipomoea L.
A. Pharbitis (Choisy) Grisebach
   1. Pharbitis (Choisy) D. F. Austin (10 species)
    * purpurea (Crimson Rambler, Grandpa Ott, Star of Yelta) ++
   2. Heterophyllae (House) D. F. Austin (10 species)
    * nil (= imperialis)  [Chocolate, Silk Rose, double red &
       double blue picotee, Minibar Rose, Dwarf Picotee,
       Hollie/Hattie Bell, Chinese strain] +
    * heterophylla (=?pubescens or lindheimeri)
    * hederacea (various strains) ++
    * acuminata (=indica)
   3. Tyrianthinae (House) D. F. Austin (10 species)
   4. Hybrid [nil X purpurea] ('Mt. Fuji') +

III. Quamoclit (Moench) Clarke
A. Calonyction (Choisy) Grisebach (4 species)
    * alba ++
    * albivenia (white ++, cream)
    * muricata (=capillacea, turbinata) +
    * turbinata  +
    * 'Red Hirugao' (?=muricata (sic) hybrid) +
B. Exogonium (Choisy) Grisebach (24 taxa)
    * purga
C.'Microsepalae' (2 species)
D. Mina (Cervantes.) Grisebach (18 species)
    * coccinea ++
    * coccinea ‘Aurantea’ ++
    * lobata +
    * lobata ‘citron’ ++
    * hederifolia [?=luteola]
    * hederifolia [?=luteola] ‘Sunspots’ ++
    * Louisiana orange species [?=coccinea or cristulata]
    * 'Orange Noah' [?=coccinea or cristulata]   
    * quamoclit ++
    * quasiquisalis [=??quamoclit?] +
    * x multifida ++
E. Leptocallis (G. Don) J. A. McDonald (14 taxa)
F. Tricolores (7 species)
    * tricolor (Pearly Gates)
    * cardiophylla ++
G. Pedatisectae
    * cairica [=palmata]
    * leptotoma
    * wrightii ++

Merremia aurea
    * Merremia dissecta [=Ipomoea coptica] (various strains) ++
    * Merremia tuberosa
    * Merremia umbellata +
    * Operculina brownii
    * Turbina corymbosa +
[***Wanted: double or colored]

Unknown taxonomy:  [Information welcome!]
    * costata
    * crassipes
    * crysoides
    * flava [?=ochracea] +
    * hirsuta
    * magnusiana
    * muellerii +
    * 'Quebraplatita Rosa' + [= ?]
    * siamensis
    * sp. 'Yellow Chinese Morning Glory'
    * sp. 'South Africa'
    * sp. 'Transvaal'
The taxonomy structure used here is adopted from that
proposed by Austin, D. F. and Z. Huáman (1997),
Synopsis of American Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae)
.  See: .
  These varieties, species and hybrids indicated with
  asterisks are in my collection. Seeds or plants may be
  available for trade from time to time. Those available
  now in sufficient number for trade are indicated with
  plus (+) signs. I am interested in obtaining those
  species noted as "wanted" above, or unusual
  mutations, or interspecific or inter-generic hybrids,
  as well as unusual/noncommercial Japanese Asagao
  morning glories.