HI , My name is Greg. Thank-you for visiting my homepage.This is just something I like to do in my spare time. Below are a few poems that I enjoy and a couple I've written myself! Hopefully you will sign my guestbook and be sure to check out page 2. I am just starting so please drop in again soon to see new changes!


When you find a dream,
Inside you heart,
Don't ever let it go!
For dreams are the tiny seeds,
From which tomorrows grow!

Author Unknown!
"A thought for the day!"

No one can choose your mountain,
Or tell you when to climb,
At your own pace and time!

Author Unknown!


I love my parents with all my heart,
They helped me get through a brand new start,
I am so glad they did combine,
Because they're the ultimate when it comes to kind,
They gave me courage, and stuck by my side,
They're advice stuck with me, like the waves with the tide,
As time goes by and things will change,
No need to worry I will not estrange!!

Written by myself(Gregg)for my parents 30th wedding anniversary on August 24th/1997!

"A Friend!"

A friend is someone who is concerned about you!
Someone to call during good and bad times!
Someone who understands me!
Someone who tells the truth!
Someone who is happy for you!
Someone who can cheer you up!
Someone who is an extension of yourself!

Written by: Susan Polis Schulz.

"Life's Candle!"

Life is like A candle,
Burning in the sky,
When that candle burns out someone will die!
People wonder why we die,
But when we die,
We join the candle in the sky!

Written by Taz!

"The Past , The Present , The Future!"

The Past has brought us
Drought and war,
The Past has brought us
Wealth and Poor,
The Present gives us Pain Galore,
The Future holds
What we have in-store
The Future holds
Our Final Score!

The Past , The Present , and The Future
Are all watched by our Lord!

"Written by myself(Gregg) July/1998."

I'm straight at day,
At night I'm Gay,
I fear the things,
I cannot say,
My wish to be,
Is one of a kind,
My wish to give,
My friends the sign,
No need to worry,
What they say,
I am comfortable,
With being Gay!!

Written by Myself(Gregg) before coming out on Sept.7th/1997!

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