fabu! east tribe

about fabu!


utch-Femme.Com presents the East Tribe of Femmes and Butches United (FABU), serving New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Rhode Island, Massuchesettes, Conneticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. We are just getting the group (and the new web page) off the ground and would love to have other local area Butches and Femmes join our free, friendly mailing list to find kinship, stay abreast of updates, and to help plan gatherings. Butches and Femmes of the Eastern states plan to get together for some real world bonding and fun this year. Don't miss out!

For info on other FABU tribes, and other resources and mailing lists for Butches and Femmes, please visit Butch-Femme.Com.


join fabu!



o join FABU-East, address an email to majordomo@butch-femme.com with the following words in the body (not the subject line):

subscribe fabu-east *your email address*>

subscribe fabu-east joebutch@hotmail.net

Majordomo should quickly return an authentication to the email address you are asking to subscribe. After you authenticate your subscription request with a reply to Majordomo, the List Wrangler for FABU-East will soon forward you a short questionaire which will used to introduce you to the other members in the FABU-East tribe. Please mail the introduction to the List Wrangler, not to Majordomo.

If you need to contact a human, please write to the FABU-East List Wrangler at east_request@yahoo.com.

If you need to contact the sponsors, please write to the Butch-Femme.Com Webmasters, Rhon and Chris.

FABU Tribes are made possible by volunteers from the Butch-Femme community online.