Hello, This is Pink Love. I have a problem and that is I am not complete. I have a birth defect. I am male on the outside, but my heart, soul, and mind is female. Yes, I am a transsexual. I really don't care much for that word. Cause I am a woman, just with a problem. I am a heterosexual female. One of my friends told me, that I just might be gay with female feelings. Well, that is not right. Cause I know deep down inside that I was suppost to be and want to be a female. And I feel very incomplete with myself. And I could never be with another male with this mistake of a body. I want to only be with a male after I am corrected on the outside. When I am completely female. There has been a couple of times that I have been with a female. I felt so gross and discussed afterwards. But, there was a jealous feeling of thinking, "that bitch, she is complete and I am not!" But, I know, that is not other females fault and it is not gods fault too. Just as when someone is born with out an arm or without a leg or something else. That is not gods fault. Just mistakes happen. And it has happen to me. So, science term is that I am a pre-op transsexual. I am 25 years old and I am just starting out. I am looking for some friends, anyone that will try to or will understand and will be a great and wonderful friend. Almost all my friends do not or will not understand. I am also, looking for some helpful hints for how to get though this journey of correction. I live in the US and on the west coast. I am trying to keep my problem to just a few people knowing. Cause, after I am complete and corrected. I don't want that many people knowing that I had a male body at one time. That would be a past that I want to forget about. But, yet I will share as much as I can on this website and give as much links that I can find. Too help other and to help others to understand. So, please always check back for more updates on this site.



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