What is really the purpose of a profile?  Half the people that read them only look to see the pics and maybe some stats.  The other half read a few typed words to decide if the person with the profile is worth talking to or someone they might have something in common with.  We make a judgment quickly and forget that people are complex and multi-sided.  I'm just as guilty, but I'm trying to remember that everyone has a story and a past.  

I've learned what I want and what is important over time and I will continue to refine that as I grow older.  I'm the kind of guy that goes after what I want and isn't afraid to work for it.  I graduated from UT with a Master's degree when I was 22.  I've been in a serious relationship and I've been single.  I've met a lot of great people in Austin, but haven't met someone I want to date seriously yet.  That isn't to say there was anything wrong with them, it just wasn't what I want or need. 

At the very basic level, I'm very hard on myself and I expect a lot from myself.  I am educated and I make a point to keep up on current events, both important and recreational.  I regularly read CNN, New York Times, and ESPN.  I also read health magazines and work out regularly.  My boss thinks I'm brilliant and doesn't understand how my mind works so quickly, but I still feel like I can be more.  On the personal side, I give a lot to the people that I care about.  I'm very loyal and protective of those that I surround myself with and I do expect the same from them.  I can say my friends are good people and I know I can count on any one of them at any given time, just as they can count on me.

In my dating life, I walk a very fine line.  At the my core, I'm a good guy and I am a romantic at heart.  I do want a monogamous relationship with someone that brings passion into my life.  At the same time, I'm not willing to settle for less.  I want the simple things, but I don't want to become a boring suburban couple.  I want a relationship that is fun and has adventure.  I want someone that can keep up with me and challenge me in new directions, but knows what is important.  Is that asking for too much?  We will see.

I say I walk a fine line because I do want these things, but being in the gay culture it is very easy to get lost and caught up in the scene.  It is easy to try and be what you think you are supposed to be and not who you really are.  I can be a flirt and I like to have a good time, but I'm still motivated by doing the right thing and ultimately, being the kind of guy I hope to meet.  Sometimes, I think doing the right thing plays against me in the eyes of some.  I've gone out with people that have called me "too good," "a boy scout," and "too Victorian."  What I have to remember is that not everyone wants the same things I do nor do I want the same things others do.  Luckily, it only takes one.  

This profile sounds so sappy.  The irony is that I'm incredibly sarcastic and all my friends are very quick witted.  Go figure. 

Link to my "Profile"