Emporia State

Used INK


Welcome to the magazine’s website.

Published monthly and updated monthly.

Home of Emporia’s artwork, poetry, and prose


Publisher: Ron Dushane

Assistant Publisher: Darin Strouts

Prose Editor: Tami Dushane

Poetry Editor: Darin Strouts

Advertising Coordinator; Michelle Maneth

Emporia State Advisor: Dr. Glen Strickland



Even though you will be able to get past issues and some pieces that you will not find in the print magazine, this website is not the entire magazine. Only select pieces from each issue will appear on here. Artwork that can not be properly produced in the print magazine will also appear here.


Emporia State Used INK

Emporia State University

c/o Glen Strickland

King Hall Room 210

Emporia, KS 66801


How to Subscribe to:

Emporia State

Used INK

Fill out the following form and mail to our address:



Name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________


Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___

e-mail: __________________________ @ ______________________________

A yearly subscription is $20. How many subscriptions would you like? ______

Please send $20 per subscription in check or money order made out to our publisher: Ron Dushane or made out to: Used INK

We do have a subscriber’s e-mail group, would you like to be part of this group and be able to get special deals only available to those who are part of this group?

Yes ___ No ___






Issue 1


Publisher’s Corner: http://www.geocities.com/usedink2003/pc0303.htm

Arts Calendar: http://www.geocities.com/usedink2003/calendar01.htm



Updated: March 09, 2003