About This Site
This page is to introduce myself and the purpose of this website. I hope that you enjoy your stay here. There are a number of links on this page that will take you to other sites that talk more about being Christian and GLBT. Please take the time to look at the sites that most interest you. You can find links to many of the denominations that are "gay-friendly".

My Experience with Church and Homosexuality
I am a 40 year old lesbian Christian who has been *OUT* for about 9 years now. I grew up in the "church" since the age of 4 and until I decided to come out, I did not realize just how much the Church has misquoted and misused the Bible against those of us who are homosexuals.
Since coming out, the only denomination I have found to be accepting of my "lifestyle" is the Unitarian Universalist. I know that there are many others out there, so don't give up hope. I came from a small town and didn't have a lot of choices of where I could look.
Before coming out to my family and friends, including those who were from my church denomination I previously attended; I did a lot of research into what the Bible truly says in regards to the Gay/Lesbian Lifestyle and was both pleasantly surprised and disappointed. The reason I was disappointed is because I realized that for so many years, my Church had been "lying" to me, or perhaps I should say, misleading me; as to what the Bible says to GLBT people.
I was surprised, because I did not realize that so many *straight* clergymen/woman believed and understood the issues that surround being Gay/Lesbian and being Christian .... or whatever denomination
you may be.
I have found these web-pages that cover issues for the GLBT Christian and will continue to search for others; but it may take some time, because I wish to make sure that they are relevant to our issues as Lesbians/Gay people and the Spiritual issues that we deal with.

How to Learn More
To learn more about what the Bible does say in regards to Homosexuality, please visit Bible and Homosexuality. I'll be adding more to the page in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for listening to one person's thoughts on what Whosever means.

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Web Graphics by ©Graffix Of Eden