The Temporary Web Site for the . . . .


Province of Our Lady of Divine Providence

Mission of Saint Francis Seraph

Friars Res: 967 Elms Common Drive, #212
Rocky Hill, Connecticut  06067-1816

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NEW WEB SITE -Franciscans of Divine Providecnce

Who We Are!

In the simple tradition of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, we live and work among God's people. Not set apart from society, but rather living in it, we are employed in various ordinary labors whereby we strive to plant the seeds of Christ's presence in the secular world. In the Franciscan spirit, our mission is to continue to build bridges that lead to Peace by working for Social Justice, Equality, Diversity, Reconciliation, Human Rights and Dignity for all of God's people.

Jesus Christ spoke to St. Francis of Assisi while he prayed before the cross in the church of San Damiano saying,
"Repair My House, which is falling into ruin." This commission to repair and to rebuild the Church is at the heart of our mission and ministry. In our own small way, we too hope to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, in the manner of Sts. Francis and Clare and those men and women who followed after him.

The Mission of Saint Francis Seraph, the residence of our Founder, is the spiritual center of a small community of Independent, Catholic Franciscans. We are a union of the Franciscan Friars of Divine Providence (FFP) and the Franciscan Sisters of Divine Providence (FSP). Gathered around the inspired Word and works of our Lord Jesus Christ and following the example of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, we aspire to lead our lives in the simply manner of the Gospels.

The Sisters of our newly founded women's Order, The Franciscan Sisters of Divine Providence (FSP), live in the same manner as do our Friars. Comprised of both Priests and Religious Sisters, they are a model for women's spirituality and leadership in the Church today.

Our Friars and Sisters serve the: Mission, Order, Church, and communities within
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Arizona and Maryland. We are committed to accept the challenge of building a diverse community of service and worship. Our provincial jurisdiction has no boundaries, therefore, we accept members from any geographic area in the world.

Our new web site has been designed to provide you with current events and other information about the needs and opportunities of our Order. We invite you to return often so you can browse through the information and please visit our new site often. We also welcome your comments, assistance and participation!

Meditation for the Day:

"Let no one lose hope
in the power of God's love!
May Christ be the light and support
of those who believe and work,
sometimes in the face of opposition,
for encounter, dialogue and cooperation
between cultures and religions."

Thank you for visiting us!
Our New and much improved Web Site is up and running,
so please click the link at the top or bottom of this page and visit us there.

New web Site -Franciscans of Divine Providecnce

Peace and Love!
May God Bless You!

Saint Clare and Saint Francis
Of Assisi