C  O  O  L  Q  U  D  S  I

Greetings everyone and welcome to my little place on the internet.
I will share through this site details and information about myself and my country.
I will be happy to share with you this information that I have kept inside of me for many years.
However, and before moving any further please leave if you feel offended
or you take personal lives of boylovers as sickness or you consider it wrong.

I made this site simple without graphics or any modern web design, because I consider myself
a very simple person.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute to this site in any way in form of written
material or pictures of boys please feel free.
e-mail me with your comments or ideas, I will try to respond to your questions and will
try to answer you very quickly.
Please do not feel bad if your mail was not answered immediately.
I am a struggling teen living in a hard strict community.
Thank your for your kind reading and please feel free to proceed further into my world.

C  O  O  L  Q  U  D  S  I

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If you are one of us then click here
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