PrimeTimers Toronto

Prime Timers Toronto

We are a social club for gay and bi men over 40 and their special friends. We meet on the third Saturday of each month, 2 pm at the 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street. (Special occasions will be posted)

You can contact us at
or at our HotLine 416-925-9872 ext:2970

New members are welcome at all times!

You are visitor number since June 20, 2000

Next meeting will be at 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St.

This month's Food Events


First Tuesday of the month: Board meeting at 8 pm.

Regular Scheduled Activities

Third Monday of the month: Play Reading Club meets at 7:30 pm.

First Tuesday of the month: Book Club meets at 8 pm.

Every Wednesday: Coffee at Croisant Tree (Church above Charles St) at 2 pm.

Every Wednesday: Bridge Club meets at 1:30 pm and Thursday night at 7 pm

First Friday of the month: Games Night at 8 pm at 519 Centre

Other Links

Prime Timers Worldwide