Artist Monika Rodgers

Art Artists Gay/Lesbian Adoption

I originally intended this site as means to display my work to a larger audience. However, having been an art history student in graduate school, I realized there is a need to give more exposure to female artists since so many are either overlooked or under represented by the academy.
I think that in order for one to truly appreciate an artist's work, one should learn some background of an artist's life. I have therefore supplied a brief biography on several female artists.
In the fall of 1989, I took the class, "20th Century Art History" at the college I was attending. Several women were mentioned, but not to the extent that men were. The same was true for the History of Photography class. "Did you have to have a penis to make great art and be in the art history books?" I wondered.
Women such as Georgia O'Keefe and Käthe Kollwitz convinced me that it took talent and passion, not an anatomical organ. In the past few years, I have taken other art history classes that vaguely mentioned women. I enjoyed the classes, but the high level of testosterone was overwhelming.
So as I embark on this website, I want to discuss and provide information about women artists who I admire and who have influenced me. There are so many talented women artists, past and present, but I have only included a short list as an introduction. Unfortunately, some of the women listed are obscure, so I was only able to find a little information--but they still deserve attention. And we can learn more about their work by learning about their lives.
As for me, such aspects in my life as being a lesbian and adopted have shown through my work.

Art displayed in the Gallery by the "Featured Female Artists" is for your viewing pleasure only

Enter Gallery Here Bios -- coming soon Gay/Lesbian -- coming soon Adoption
Moni's Art Moni's Bio Overview
Alice Austen Alice Austen Adoption Triangle
Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur Searching
Margaret Bourke-White Margaret Bourke-White -- Why to Search
Artemesia Gentileschi Artemsia Gentileschi -- Who to Search For
Frances Benjamin Johnston Frances Benjamin Johnston -- Telling Adoptive Family
Käthe Kollwitz Käthe Kollwitz International Adoptions
Barbara Kruger Barbara Kruger Resources
Dorothea Lange Dorothea Lange
White Marmorean Flock White Marmorean Flock
-- Harriet Hosmer -- Harriet Hosmer
--Mary Edmonia Lewis -- Mary Edmonia Lewis
-- Emma Stebbins -- Emma Stebbins
-- Anne Whitney -- Anne Whitney

Links to other sites on the Web

Author KC Jenkins My wife's site

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