I'm a friendly guy living in Canberra, Australia. I'm 39, big, chubby, hairy body, short dark brown hair, smooth shaven face (sometimes a goatee). I'm sociable, outgoing, hang up free and like people. I'm also single ;-)

To see some older PICS of me, just go HERE.

I'm single now, but I've had two boyfriends. I broke up with my last boyfriend in Feb 2004 after being together for over a year.

For an hilarious look at the sort of qualities I once thought i liked in a guy, go toHERE.

Some of my interests (not in any order) are:

    • conversation,
    • coffee,
    • cafes,
    • gardening (I have a few different themes for my gardens. One was an all white garden. Another I called a Satanic garden as the flowers were rich black, crimsion and violet colours. I've put some pics of the old Satanic garden HERE. I'm in a new place now and there are daffodils, jonquils and white camellias. I've put in some Monkshood (deep blue flowers, highly poisonious) and some true geraniums, can't wait to see them flower,
    • music (very wide range from Bach to Beethoven to Blondie and Boney M and ABBA- esp Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Chopin and other Romantics),
    • theatre,
    • acting (you may have seen me star in Victor/Victoria as the Bodyguard in 2000, these days i mainly write production notes for programmes
    • singing,
    • Dr Who,
    • Movies (esp ones with good special effects, thriller, Alfred Hitchcock, mystery, Film Noir, classic and art house) and LORD OF THE RINGS,
    • carpentry (do-it-yourself jobs, home handyman - I've built a jarah outdoor table and large CD and video units),
    • environment,
    • politics,
    • reading (fantasy, classics, gay fiction and lots of non-fiction too),
    • push bike riding,
    • walks.
    • I am a big fan of the late Dirk Bogarde. He was a fantastic actor and also an excellent writer. I highly recommend his series of autobiographies, begining with "A Postillion Struck by Lightning".

      The late conductor, Leopold Stokowski, is my number one favorite conductor. I have a large collection of his recordings. He is most famous for conducting Walt Disney's Fantasia. I manage a yahoo group - Stokowski_fans@yahoo.com. You can go to it here Stokowski_fans. You can find a link on how to subscibe below.

      Hey, likes are all very well and good, but the real crunch comes from one's hates.

      So here are my pet HATES:
      Racism, Violence, Intolerance, Country & Western Music (it isn't music), aggressive macho competitive spectator sports such as rugby leage or boxing, all spectator sports except Male gymnastics, macho guys who like to put down people (not to be confused with genuine masculne guys who are comfortable with themselves). People who say "No Fats. No Fems", John Laws, Allan Jones, John Howard, Tony Abbott and almost the entire Liberal Party of Australia.

      I have also occasionally written articles for Quirk, the former Canberra Gay and Lesbian paper several years ago. My first major article was on body image. My next significant contribution was about Seeking a Partner, or How to Get Hitched. That one got me into a little bit of trouble for saying that gay bars might not be the best place to seek a partner.

      I've also written production notes for recent Philo productions of Les Miserables, Jesus Christ Superstar and West Side Story.

      I used to be a member of the Canberra Gay and Lesbian Qwire.

      The description of my page is: Australian Gay Male Canberra

      Please E-mail me at: robauz@mail.com

Click to subscribe to Stokowski_Fans, the discussion group for fans of the late Leopold Stokowski.

Click to subscribe to ACTQueer, Canberra's only source of info on the gay community events.

BiggerCity - the web community for chubs, chasers, and bears!

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