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Hi. This is my little spot on the web. My name's Chris. To look around my site, navigate the links at the left and click the blue links in the body. I hope you'll find most of what you want to know. You might notice that the paragraphs aren't necessarily done by subject. I don't care, because they looked better this way. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am attending the University of Utah, and I will soon be a senior. My major is computer science, and I don't have a minor because I don't want one. I plan on getting a master of science in computer engineering, but I will have to leave Utah for that. My likes: Computers (analytical subjects), electronics (too bad I don't have cheaper hobbies), cars (Volkswagen AG, Porsche), music (Alanis Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Suzanne Vega, Tracy Chapman, Ani DiFranco....), hanging out with friends, etc. I'm easily entertained, and I like to be nuts sometimes. If you don't like that, it's okay. Don't pretend to. I'm 21. I'm six feet tall if you care. If you want to know more about me than what is on my page, you should E-mail me. Also, while you're here, check out my Pictures Page. Anyway, I guess I'll see ya around. Or not. Maybe you'll see me around. :^) Please be sure to click HERE and go sign my guestbook. :^)
Please note: If this page isn't pretty, or you can't see it, you're probably using Netscape. You should be using Microsoft Internet Explorer.