Welcome to Piwackett's corner of the Cyber-Universe.
Join me in my adventures around San Francisco!
Always a work in progress, and, hopefully, never boring.
So hop in and take a look around...anything that's not bolted down is yours to explore!
Here's my friend Robert's page....He posted a pic of the two of us when we were hanging out last Saturday.....whee-hee!
Also, just because, here's my bud, Duane.
I will try to keep in touch, and update this every so often to keep everyone up to date with my comings and goings...I miss you guys!
Coming Soon!
The Adventures of
Pics from my San Francisco trip last October!
In the meantime, don't forget to check out my new feature, the Gallery. It's artwork I've created on the computer, and the first piece was inspired by the Blue Angels, who I got to see perform at Fisherman's Wharf. I'm teaching myself Photoshop...so check out my first attempts at computer artwork! 
Go to the
A new site of original pen and ink drawings created by yours truly can be found here.
Go to my
A Novella of Questionable Quality...
Hmmmph! So much for creative control! So it's not the Great American Novel, or even the Not Quite As Great As
The Great American Novel....it kept me occupied for a while. I suppose anything that keeps me out of trouble is a good thing.
Read on, and feel free to let me know what you think...BTW, all resemblances to persons and places is entirely intentional, so sue me!
The next exciting episode in the Dwight Spider casebook has begun! Be sure to check out the latest adventure of:
Chapter Seven now available!
What you'll find herein:
Who is Piwackett? Find out right here...I tried to keep it brief, I really did! I guess I'm just many-faceted! |
City Life. Piwackett's discovery of life in San Francisco. | |
Piwackett's Bar Scene. Don your beer goggles and your winoculars, and catch the view from Piwackett's own
personal barstool... The Birchmere: A mini-review. |
The Litterbox. Some random scratchings from Piwackett...South Park! |
Thought For The Week A little weekly ramble. This week: Shakespeare's Insults! |
Piwackett's Links A few interesting and odd places to visit...Links to Writing Resources, DC info, really Bizarre stuff, etc. South Park! |
© Piwackett 1998
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